No More Broken Scapulars

1 year ago

Isn’t it frustrating when your Scapular cord breaks? I have worn handmade, $25 Scapulars and I have bought cheaper $7 Scapulars. No matter what they always seem to break! And with 7 kids breaking or losing them, it can get costly to replace them!
I have found placing a knot at the end of each cord, right before the wool square has helped significantly in not breaking so many so quickly! In fact we haven’t broken one of them yet since we have started to knot them (losing them is a different story).

Check out my other post on the benefits of different color Scapulars
Purchase yours @helpofchristians HELPOFCHRISTIANS.COM

May God bless all who read this and may His Joy brighten your day! 🙏

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