Basic Presentation - Celebrities Really and Truly Need to Shut Up About Politics

1 year ago

Basic presentation showcasing why celebrities and other similar figures really need to shut their mouths about politics. They don't live in the same world and are in their own little worlds. There's no reason for regular people to have to be lectured and dictated by a bunch of snooty ass, ivory tower snobs that don't even know you exist. Lecturing how we need to do certain things like eat bugs or whatever while they lounge around in their yachts, limousines, oversized pools, motorcades, private jets. Stuffing their face with $10,000 a tin beluga, sevruga and other types of caviar, cooking with luxurious truffle oil among so much more that can be named off. Demanding the general populace be disarmed while they walk around with armed to the teeth security detail and paying out the nose to keep peasants off of their land. Several reasons why higher figures need to shut the fuck up already. They hate Middle America and the General Populace so much that they say all this bullshit. Nobody should have to lose their freedom and liberty because of their whims. Not to mention their 10 pounds of lobster meat delivered straight to their front door. City and ivory tower snobs are truly some of the worst out there. What's worse are the lemmings with their lame excuses. It's really upsetting what little self respect grown ass adults have. They might as well bow down on their hands and knees to start chanting "We're not worthy" over and over again, hey, that's practically what these peasant embracing commoner serfs are practically begging for. Ivory tower socialites that are a bunch of Marie Antoinette, Nero, Caligula, Napoleon wannabes. So much more could be said, it's practically endless.

Custom items including T-shirts, mugs, bags and many other items at Zazzle, more at the following link:

Different fake mask items and more at the following link. Maskholes and Mask Nazis still exist throughout:

Some websites taken from:

Time for snobs and anti gunners to leave firearm and self defense rights alone, they don't want to save lives, they simply want control over others:

More reasons for National Divorce:

World Economic Forum shills:

Practically this experiment:

Disclaimer: Like before, another lost soul angry at the world ranting their worthless opinions. Much more to come and so much to be said. I may be eligible to earn from the following posted.

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