The Reason I Don't Favor Study Bibles

10 months ago

The reason I Don’t Care for Study Bibles.

There are large numbers of them…
Scofield once popular among Fundamental Baptists.
Ryrie Study Bible. (I purchased one of these for my wife as a wedding gift.)
Thompson Chain Reference. (My first Bible was a Thompson Chain.)
Open study Bible.

Some of these are available in many versions.

Some of them have some much information so conveniently located you might believe you’ve studied because you’ve read the notes on the page.

You can get stuck accepting someone else’s conclusions without even knowing who the “someone else” even is.

Most Christians would do very well with just a good quality bound King James Version Bible, a good concordance with Greek and Hebrew Dictionary, and perhaps a collection of English dictionaries.

I use a simple King James Version Bible published by Local Church Publishers. It has no notes included and wide margins.

The occasional commentary, from a reputable author, may be helpful. None of the more common commentaries were written by men who are completely sound from a Baptist perspective. But the ones I recommend; Barnes, Gill, and Matthew Henry, are well known enough that it is not difficult to manage around the areas a Fundamental Baptist would see differently.

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