12-7-23 Pastor Shadilay runs to Nazis to target RPFC

1 year ago

AShad has been working with NAZI fucktards this whole time. He has been running an op, a grift on th Salty Army this whole time and he has come it all has been made clear and unraveled!

Here is his latest unravelling. LOL Sickin the Nazi spergs on me for hurting his fee fees! LOL

So let's take an inventory:
He admitted on 10/16/23 that his good friend and long time Salty Army mod Krac is a NAZI. He admitted he has NAZI frenz. He then collabs with Dominic a virulent antisemite to subvert Salty Crackers stream and superchat his Jew hate nonsense.
He then now does this and asks a network of NAZItards to come after me! BWHAAHAHAHAHAAHA!
Dude you are defeated.
You are proven to be a lying shill. A fraud!
You're toast!

His status response on the NAZI network asking them to target me!

Their group

Hear Shad for yourself collabing with Dominic a Nazitard to subvert the Salty Army:


Here is Shad admitting to me that he knows Krac is a NAZI

Shad confront over lying about me and providing false "sauce" aka evidence.

Here is a lovely little video highlighting some of the NAZItards Shad associates with. One of the Inner Circle of Salt Cult members posts, calling for mass violence.


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