Masks do way more harm than good...

1 year ago

Face Masks – a multifactorial, neuro-pathological assault on our autobiographical memory center, human individuality, and ability to think critically. Masks do way more harm than good. This fact should have been evident to all media-honored "experts" early on. Traindl clarifies: "Various experimental metrological investigations have shown that wearing a mask can lead to the accumulation of carbon dioxide. This contaminated air is then rebreathed, and when the outside air mixes with the accumulated exhaled air below the mask, it causes a reduction in oxygen content. This mixture of air is then inhaled back in." To put it bluntly: Pregnant women unintentionally create an environment for the fetus growing inside them that is detrimental to its development. Aldous Huxley describes in his dystopian novel Brave New World, a remarkably alike environment intentionally fabricated for the fetuses growing in bottles. In the world of the novel, purposeful oxygen deficiency is intended to result in a reduced efficiency of brain function in order to increase production and stabilize the system. In our current "dystopian reality," (actually a contradiction in terms), in addition to the oxygen deprivation mentioned in the novel, numerous additional factors cause demonstrable damage to the most sensitive part of our brains (the autobiographical memory center) at all ages, including but not limited to emotional deprivation, the presence of toxins in the air we breathe, such as the increased carbon dioxide caused by wearing masks. Hence masks not only symbolize submission to a cruel totalitarian regime, but also neuropathologically contribute to the weakening of society's mental immune system, as detailed in The Indoctrinated Brain. The irony is: While the world's population is being driven into a panic about the supposedly deadly consequences of rising global CO2 levels, behind their masks they are being intoxicated by increased CO2 levels, which makes them all the more susceptible to fear and panic because of the damage it does to the hippocampus.
If someone aimed to cultivate a generation with limited independence of thought but highly susceptible to fear communication and optimal controllability, I can think of no more promising, subtle, and thus diabolical way to achieve this goal than to prevent pregnant women, children, and adolescents from breathing oxygen-rich, carbon dioxide-poor air under the pretext of protecting themselves and others.

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