Daddy Yankee gave his life to Jesus

1 year ago

Read the translated caption! Global superstar Daddy Yankee gave his life to Jesus, shared the Gospel at his concert, “ English Translation of his entire Testimony… 👇🏾 "Family, for me, this is the most important day of my life. And I want to share this with you because it's not the same to live a life of success like living a life with purpose. For a long time I tried to fill an emptiness I had in my life that no one could fill. I tried to fill this void and looked for a purpose in my life, On occasions, I appeared to be happy but there was something missing that made me feel incomplete. And I have to confess to you that those days are over and that there is someone who was able to fill that void I felt for a long time. I came to the realization that for everyone I was someone (important, popular) but without HIM, I was NOBODY. Throughout the years, I was able to travel the world, win may awards, win many applauses and praises. But then I found out something out the Bible says: "For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" For this reason, this evening I recognize and am not ashamed to tell the whole world that HE is superior to me and that I will live for HIM. The Bible says that all who will acknowledge HIM in public here on the earth, HE also will acknowledge HIM before my FATHER. This part of my llie's story is now over. But a new one is beginning...a new and fresh start. All the tools that I have in me such as music, social media, platforms, microphones, (everything that JESUS has given me) is now for the KINGDOM. Thank you Puerto Rico and I hope you walk with me in this new beginning and I hope that you will remember something very important: Follow no man. I am human. And to all the people who have followed me, follow JESUS. HE is the way, the truth and the life. Thank you, GOD bless you. Christ loves all of you and Christ is coming, don't forget! God bless you and Merry Christmas! I love you Puerto Rico! Thank you Jesus for mercifully allowing me, all the way from Puerto Rico to evangelize the whole world.” The show ends with a large cross that morphs into the words, "Christ loves you!' #daddyyankeeoficial #daddyyankeechristian #daddy yankee

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