Week 49, Lessons 335-341, ACIM Workbook Practice Group 12/7/2023

1 year ago

An overview, deepening and discussion of Workbook lessons 335-341.

12. What Is the Ego? [CE W-WI.12:1]

335. I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness. [CE W-335:1]

336. Forgiveness lets me know that minds are joined. [CE W-336:1]

337. My sinlessness protects me from all harm. [CE W-337:1]

338. I am affected only by my thoughts. [CE W-338:1]

339. I will receive whatever I request. [CE W-339:1]

340. I can be free of suffering today. [CE W-340:1]

13. What Is a Miracle? [CE W-WI.13:1]

341. I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe. [CE W-341:1]

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