Amerika is Mystery Babylon Set for Destruction

1 year ago

REPENT NOW AMERIKANS! READ the description here.

Amerika is an UNstructured, morality-agnostic, Free Masonic eXperiment that has FAILED.

"The United States is in no manner founded on Christian religion."

--George Washington and John Adams, Freemasons during the Treaty of Tripoli. No truer words were ever spoken--and ignored.

NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians--they were Free Masonic pedo-Illuminati defacto Satanists. America was only Christian from 1619 to 1776 A.D. by virtue of the Puritan pilgrims BEFORE the Satanists took over the nation.

To save our country:

PLAN D: Restore the Republic or PLAN E: RED STATES Leave AmeroSodom then:

1. BAN all secret society members from holding ANY governmental position.

2. DISBAND the evil corrupt CIA/FBI--transfer organized crime fighting to U.S. Marshals


3. Ditch the 1787 Free Masonic U.S. Constitution and replace with a MORAL STOICAL non-nihilist, one that STIPULATES A BASELINE OF CIVILIZED BEHAVIOR (BCB) which is Society Survival 101, NOT forcing any religion down anyone's throats, Ben Franklin, hedonist.

a. DO NOT Kill, bear false witness, steal, commit adultery, covet or have idols.

After 200+ years of morality agnosticism disaster, we can ALL agree to the above.

b. Safeguards against Reality Frauds like JFK's Group Ambush Murder by the CIA, 9/11 etc.

Grand Jury of the U.S. to figure out WHAT HAPPENED before jumping to war conclusions

The Free Masonic Founding Fathers participated in the 1773 Boston Tea Party, surprised no reality fraud safeguards in their BS 1787 USC?

Population connect with objective reality since we don't do "Little House on the Prairie" agrarian socio-economics to build MORAL, STOICAL character anymore

c. Mandatory 3x hours daily Life Skills Training (LST) in High School for 4x years

Grow your own food to survive societal collapse, camping, home/car repair, cooking, making clothing, manage finances etc.

d. Mandatory 2x Years of National Service (NS) in a corps of choice: military, police, hospital, conservation, space, spy, High Speed Train

Dr. Hans Gebhard writes:

"I have to thank you because your great ideas, like 2 years work for young man and woman to learn empathy, how much better wouldt the world be, if empathy and caring for other is a lesson that is be teached in the importentst moments in life the growing from teenager to adulthood. learning responsibility for them self by helping others".

e. No more BS political parties; the around 12 or so PROFESSIONS in the USA put forth their BEST candidate for POTUS/VPOTUS; engineers, doctors, military, firefighters, teachers etc. no more lawyers and businessmen with disposable income ass clowns

f. No more BS John Adams adversarial INjustice system; WE FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE prosecuting anyone; no more putting criminals in prison cages making them worse; pay restitution to victims, violent criminals executed

g. The 1st Amendment replaced with a law that prohibits SLANDER-LIBEL and bad faith lie HOAXING and TREASON. UNsafe DEGENERACY like cutting genitals off, sex with poop etc. are NOT tolerated as some tribal delusional right

h. Everyone must work at least 20x hours/week aka part-time if able to give back to the country

Dr. Hans Gebhard writes:

"I read some economics paper, why it is in Russia but like so in Chinese goverment interest to rise the wages year after year--and not corperate profits. People, workers, small buisness owners pay over 70 percent to the gouverment funding, so no big coperations need taxbreaks, no bank bailout--but the workers higher wages. For exemple, in China from 2012 to 2023 6, percent average wage increase. 60 percent more money to spend as 10 years ago similar in Russia. that increased spending and consume does in the gouverment tax revenues. 20 hours work seems the future machines robots will take over, but to be economic usefull work they must earn not that they can life, but without economic stress. that will decrease the cost on healthcare and better education numbers. So I think funding bancrupt firms banks and wages of CEO's must be forbidden. If the gouverments are liabale to the law to the people and it is controlled, than people don't need underground shelter because their gouverment gets changed and prison time if they start a war, regime change or proxy war to be member in a military alliance is a crime. To defend its motherland a professional, well-equppied army is enough --300.000 Soldiers to secure their border--nothing other. And yes, an excellent fast transport network trains is a must have.

i. IMMEDIATELY CLOSE the Southern border with activated/active-duty MILITARY FORCE. FINISH Trump's wall.

j. REMOVE ALL SUPERNATURAL EVIL SYMBOLS from every public place--and on consumer goods and U.S. currency printed by the USG and not the pedo-Illuminati banker's reserve charging interest

k. CLOSE all national parks and cleanse of all Satanic cryptids using combined military air/ground maneuver and KJB Deliverance ministers to STOP 600, 000x people lost each year.

l. STOP the Black Secret Space Program (BSSP) that cavorts with Satanic devils using illegal DoD/MILINDCOMP funds; close all secret bases, stop human Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) flights with WHITE USMIL force. Create an Earth Defense Force (EDF) in every town/city to defend Amerikan low-level air space 24/7/365 with weaponry to include King James Bible deliverance ministers to ward off Satanic devil-originated UFOs

m. ORGANIZE the USA: "Conserve" Rockefeller pedo-Illuminati Car Suburbs? NO! MORAL STOICAL Walk/Bike/Train Cities Needed: Connect Cuburbs to Cities by HSTs

"Conservatism" is BS lazy people with no NEW IDEAS to fix anything--WE ARE INSTEAD MORAL STOICALS and we DEMAND the only past precedent we should be emulating is the PRE-ROCKEFELLER American cities built around TRAINS with everything in walking distances--just like the smart Euros do--watch YOUTUBER Not Just Bikes superb videos on how to actually FIX Amerika with actual NEW IDEAS. We have re-posted his key videos here, too.

This video well emphasizing the UNsafe dangerous gasoline car/truck motosuburbia the Rockefeller pedo-Illuminati forced on us post-WW2 that has murdered MILLIONS of us in car/truck crashes that should have been avoided by SAFE, EFFICIENT TRAINS.

Disregard the BS climate change ill-reasoning at the end of this video--transportation SAFETY should trump everything.

CAVEAT: every family should have a SHTF PLAN B Go & Survive van/minivan mobile home optimally in an underground shelter for PLAN A Stay & Survive to withstand TBATE/TBAM threats--but not to commute to and from work/home.

A small car for grocery shopping and work commuting is still needed because STROAD-centric Amerika isn't safe enough for bicycle transportation until HSTs can connect all suburbs to cities:

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