Article 4423 Video - Missing on All Cylinders But One - Monday, October 16, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4423 Video - Missing on All Cylinders But One - Monday, October 16, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

There is so much disinformation coming out of the woodwork now, it's crazy -- and hard to keep your eye on the ball. So let me help dispel some of it and get your attention riveted on what is important.

First, rumors that our Founding Fathers were horrible people who drank adrenochrome and were gross libertines, and all because Ben Franklin was a member of the Hellfire Club.

Ben Franklin was not the upright and moral man we might wish, but neither was he a monster. Franklin decried the hypocrisy of the churches of his day, which subjected unwed mothers and their babies to public shaming, orphanages, and work houses.

Like many members of the Hellfire Club and the Masonic Lodges, Franklin had seen the horrors of religious wars and doctrinal struggles, experienced the suppression of scientific truth by religious authorities, and seen the horrific social costs of enforced morality imposed without compassion.

If Franklin turned away from the churches and toward non-sectarian belief in a Creator, he was far from alone.

The gift that these men gave us by separating church and state (government) should not be under-estimated. It's because of them that we have been able to achieve and maintain religious freedom -- and freedom of conscience -- in this country.

The next red herring is the interminable flap over the Act of 1871 --- which was repealed in 1874.

The end result of the Act of 1871 was, after a lot of sneaking and pandering, the establishment of a second Municipal Corporation in the District of Columbia, which in and of itself was not prohibited by any treaty or contract.

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