( -0607 ) The Good News - We're Laughing At the Fakers & Imposters ("Leaders") - The Bad News - Hidden Agendas Grow More Desperate & Wicked As The Veil Lifts

1 year ago

The Good News - Finally, The Fakers & Imposters ("Leaders") Are Being Laughed At - The Bad News - While The Veil Is Lifting, Hidden Agendas Will Only Grow More Desperate & Wicked ( -0607 )

While hoaxing infiltrators mislead, and misled newbies attempt to penetrate the World's secrets, enough embarrassment has come to the 'Elites' that they are forced to react in ways they never intended, exposing many layers they wished to keep hidden. The now-divorced, once Great Chuckler Bill Gates is ever more nervous with each passing hour, and Monsanto's exposed efforts around the world have resulted in a nearly impossible circumstance for them. Bread-basket country Ukraine, intended to be the hand that would cause independent-minded Russia to fold, has become one of their biggest embarrassments yet. Israel, as a trigger for World War, with exposure of "allowed attacks" and false flags, is actually instead resulting in awakening and a peeling away from media hypnotic control.

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