Facebook Group Owner Doesn't Know The Difference between Sexual Fetish And Pedophilia

1 year ago

A Facebook group owner is seen kicking out a member for sharing what he thinks is "pedophilia". But what is actually shared is sexual art, and the person who shared it has a sexual fetish for the character.
Sexual fetish means someone having a sexual feeling or urges towards a cartoon character or a live-action character in a TV show or movie that doesn't exuast in real life.
Pedophilia is an adult who stalks a minor for sexual reasons.
Some cyberbullies I fought online didn't know the difference, and were calling their victims pedophiles, when they were either innocent or had a sexual fetish for a female character that doesn't exist in real life but act like they do.
Even in My Little Pony groups, some don't know the difference.
Know the difference before making moves.

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