Tucker Carlson Interviews Alex Jones

1 year ago

This is a historic December 7, 2023 Tucker Carlson interview with Alex Jones at his studio in Maine. They cover the global elite's agenda to burn down what little remains of a once great America in order to build upon its ashes a Technocratic, global slave state that they call the New World Order. Every patriotic, freedom-loving American must watch this video, and take a peek into the playbook of mankind's most dangerous enemy, the 13 inbred [central banking] families who own and/or contrl this world through their 110 year-old power to create unlimited amounts of worthless, unredeemable, unbacked U.S. currency that we still dare to refer to as "money."
As the banking family's 110 year-old Ponzi collapses and they buy-up all of the real assets as everything crashes, these demons intend to destroy peace, prosperity, and freedom, not just here in America and Europe, but everywhere else in the world as they herd Americans and the rest of humanity like frightened sheep into the slaughterhouse of freedom that will be their new central bank digital currency (CDDC) and it's [Chinese-style] social credit scoring system--an AI-controlled virtual prison from which there will be no escape. That is, for those who survive the "Great Culling" of humanity that's been underway for nearly for years now.
There is an bonus feature I appended to the end of this interview. It's a golden, hour long interview with New American Magazine's Alex Newman, as he covers the COP28 Climate Summit that's taking place right now in Dubai. He boils down the greatest fraud ever perpetrated against the West since the COVID PSYOP of 2020. Everybody should take time to listen to what he has to say.
Meet the Thirteen Families
Freedom Movement Nanifesto

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