War Crimes of Kissinger. Henry Kissinger and the Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Elites

1 year ago

War Crimes of Kissinger. Henry Kissinger and the Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Elites
362K views 7 days ago
Democracy Now!
((Yeah, No. Just because War Crimes are Authorized by Government in No Way make them Legitimate. And winning a Nobel Prize is a clear sign of being an Evil Servant of the Criminal Globalist Establishment.
HENEY KISSINGER'S PRAISE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP SHOULD BE CAUSE FOR MUCH CONCERN (President Trump spent an entire week staying at the house of Henry Kissinger right before his 2016 Election. A subject Trump never publicly discussed. Gee I wonder why?)))
Kissinger is dead at the age of 100. The former U.S. statesman served as national security adviser and secretary of state at the height of the Cold War and wielded influence over U.S. foreign policy for decades afterward. His actions led to massacres, coups and and even genocide, leaving a bloody legacy in Latin America, Southeast Asia and beyond.
Once out of office, Kissinger continued until his death to advise U.S. presidents and other top officials who celebrate him as a visionary diplomat. Yale historian Greg Grandin says those glowing obituaries only reveal "the moral bankruptcy of the political establishment" that ignores how Kissinger's actions may have led to the deaths of at least 3 million people across the globe. Grandin is author of "Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman."
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