Cyclicity. What is the Danger of the 24,000-Year Cycle?

1 year ago

Our planet is on the verge of destruction: natural anomalies, changes in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and mass mutations in nature. Does cyclicity influence these global processes on our planet?

We as humanity are entering a 24,000-year cycle. What consequences does it have for humanity as a whole? What is the difference between a 12,000-year cycle and a 24,000-year cycle?

What is a cycle? How does our Galaxy rotate in the Universe? What is the cycle of its rotation? How does our Galaxy interact with other galaxies in the Universe? What is gravitational interaction? What is cosmic radiation? Why is it deadly dangerous to everything living? Why do cosmic rays have a direct effect now? Why is the gravitational impact not as dangerous at other times? Figurative examples for understanding the interaction processes.

Watch the full version of the video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Climate Threats. Variants for Survival", an excerpt from which is presented herein.

"Climate Threats. Variant for Survival":

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

📢 On December 2, 2023, at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. The Responsibility," the ways out of the current impasse, in which all of humanity finds itself today, were revealed!

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