How Alex Stein Influenced The GOP Debate | Ep 128

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In this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein,” we name an official winner for last night’s GOP debate, but based on which candidate believes the best conspiracy theory. Vivek Ramaswamy is in the lead, as he discussed how January 6th was an inside job, and even referenced his famous interview with Alex where they talked about 9/11! Following, we bring on former Barstool Sports employee and host of “The Sitdown’' crime history podcast to discuss the current state of the mafia, and what Barstool Sports was like the day that Alex Stein and Dontarius stormed their headquarters. Will Jeff Nadu and Alex bond over their mutual feelings for Dave Portnoy? Or will it turn into another awkward encounter between Alex Stein and Barstool Sports? Finally, we end the show discussing Destiny’s divorce following his years of promoting of polyamory. Do you think a healthy marriage involves other dudes banging your wife? We debate live! Don’t miss this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein”!

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