Is race merely a social construct? | Jared Taylor

1 year ago

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There's a powerful new way to look at genes called Gee wash, or genome wide association studies.
You sequence the genes of many thousands of people and see which variants are associated with such things as autism, height, or intelligence.
We can now make pretty good predictions.
Most of these studies have been done on white people, so the associations between genes and traits aren't as good for people of other races, but you can still make comparisons.
Here are some rough preliminary plots where we can see the usual pattern.
Asians at the top, then whites.
Than blacks.
Soon we will definitively know the truth about race, genes and IQ.
We already have the tools.
We could find out right now with properly designed studies.
But too many people are afraid of the truth.
They prefer the fantasy of equality to the reality of inequality.
The consequences of this are terrible.
If we insist races are equal, every black shortcoming has to be blamed on white supremacy.
The legacy of slavery, white privilege, systemic racism, or whatever name we give to the latest explanation that denies reality.
It's all the fault of white people.
Blaming whites does two things.
It teaches blacks to hate us, and boy do they.
And it manipulates guilty whites into supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion, which means taking from whites and giving to blacks.
Equal outcomes are not possible, so DEI will never end.
We are turning our country inside out, weakening it terribly, trying to reach a goal that is as fanciful as equal representation for women in the National Football League.
Nothing makes sense in this country.
Crime, Poverty, Welfare, Policing, school performance, urban decay if we deliberately close our eyes to the reality of race.
And when you think about it, isn't everything I've told you obvious?George Orwell is supposed to have said in a time of deceit.
Telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Whoever said that was right, and until you can tell the truth in America, it will continue destroying itself.

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