"God's Protection and Provision for Jesus and His Family" - David W Palmer (2023)

9 months ago

"God's Protection and Provision for Jesus and His Family" - David W Palmer (2023)

(2 Peter 2:6–10 TPT) And don’t forget that he reduced to ashes the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, condemning them to ruin and destruction. God appointed them to be examples as to what is coming to the ungodly. {7} Yet he rescued a righteous man, Lot, suffering the indignity of the unbridled lusts of the lawless. {8} For righteous Lot lived among them day after day, distressed in his righteous soul by the rebellious deeds he saw and heard. {9} If the Lord Yahweh rescued Lot, he knows how to continually rescue the godly from their trials and to reserve the ungodly for punishment on the day of judgment. {10} And this especially applies to those who live their lives despising authorities and who abandon themselves to chasing the depraved lusts of their flesh.

During his Judgments and Dealings, God looked after:
Noah and his family
Lot and his daughters
Isaac—100 fold in the year of famine
Joseph, his family, and God’s people—during 7 years of famine
His people in Goshen during the 10 plagues of judgment
His people in the red sea
His people in the wilderness for 40 years
Elijah—when God brought the judgment of Drought and Famine
Jehoshaphat—when the alliance of enemy armies came against them

SERIES THEME: By What He Has Done, God Is Growing Your Faith in Him for What He Will Do
Part 8: Baby Jesus
TODAY’S THEME: What Can We Learn about God’s Protection & Provision through Baby Jesus’s Story?
1. God Saved & Protected Jesus & Mary while He Was in the Womb
2. God Provided Shelter and the Perfect Prophetic Birth Place for Jesus
3. God Provided Confirmation through Angels and Shepherds
4. God Provided for Their Exile
5. God Protected Jesus and His Family from Herod
6. God Moved Them Again—to the Prophesied Place for Jesus to be Raised
7. God Protected and Provided for Jesus While He Submitted to His Parents

Jesus, Lord, Father, God, Holy Spirit, salvation, Born again, sinner's prayer, Mary, Joseph, wise men, shepherds, angel, Herod, Egypt, Protection, safety, Nazareth, prophecy,

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