Unforgettable Moments: December5 Through the Years

9 months ago

In this video, we're going to take a look at some of the most memorable events from December 5th in history. From wars to revolutions, these events will have a lasting impact on history!

December 5 is a day full of history, and this video is a great way to learn about some of the most memorable events from this special day. From World War I to the Cuban Revolution, these events are sure to leave a lasting impression on you!
1492 Christopher Columbus is the first European to sight Hispaniola (modern Dominican Republic and Haiti)
1717 English pirate Blackbeard ransacks the merchant sloop "Margaret" and keeps her captain, Henry Bostock prisoner for 8 hours before releasing him. Bostock later provides the first record of Blackbeard's appearance, and the source for his name.
1766 World's largest auction house - Christie's hold their first sale in their permanent saleroom in Pall Mall, London
1776 First US fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa (William & Mary College), forms
1792 George Washington re-elected as US President
1804 Thomas Jefferson re-elected US President, George Clinton Vice President
1831 Former US President John Q Adams takes his seat as a member of House of Representatives
1832 Andrew Jackson re-elected US President after defeating Henry Clay
1835 - 10th: Assault on Mexican-held San Antonio by Texan rebels
1847 Jefferson Davis is appointed to fill vacant US Senate seat for Mississippi
1848 US President James K. Polk triggers Gold Rush of 1849 by confirming a gold discovery in California

1872 Ship the Mary Celeste is discovered mysteriously abandoned by her crew in the Atlantic Ocean
1876 Daniel Stillson (Mass) patents 1st practical pipe wrench
1879 1st automatic telephone switching system patented
1893 Electric car built at the Dixon Carriage works in Toronto, could go 15 miles between charges
1908 1st US football uniform numerals used (University of Pittsburgh)
1929 1st US nudist organization, the American League for Physical Culture in New York City
1932 German physicist Albert Einstein granted a visa to enter America
1933 Prohibition ends in the US when 21st Amendment to the US Constitution ratified, 18th Amendment repealed (5:32 PM EST)
1941 US aircraft carrier Lexington and 5 heavy cruisers leave Pearl Harbor
1946 US President Harry Truman creates Committee on Civil Rights by Exec Order #9808
1955 American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) merge to form the AFL-CIO, with George Meany as President
1955 Historic bus boycott begins in Montgomery, Alabama by Rosa Parks and other civil rights activists
1957 NYC is first US city to legislate against racial or religious discrimination in housing market (Fair Housing Practices Law)
1969 Four-node ARPANET network is established between the University of California, Los Angeles, Stanford Research Institute, U.C. Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah
1974 NFL's Seattle Seahawks forms
1988 Federal grand jury indicts The PTL Club founder and Christian evangelist Jim Bakker for fraud after he paid hush money to cover up an alleged misconduct.
1988 Shuttle Atlantis launches world's 1st nuclear-war-fighting satellite
1993 Astronauts begin repair of Hubble telescope in space
2008 Former NFL star O.J. Simpson is sentenced to 33 years in prison for kidnapping and armed robbery
2017 Russia is banned from the next Winter Olympics in South Korea over state-sponsored doping

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