Tequila! - I'm LIVE at the end of the world (these people don’t know what a guitar is!)

1 year ago

July 27/22. Perfect song for a summer jam. You get to see some super zombie hybrids on this one. I'm so glad I don't notice them while playing. I only notice while processing the video. Then I give out a big sigh. Jam is 40 minutes.

🛒 Download this jam! https://thesixmilliondollarguitar.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-the-end-of-the-world-july-27-22
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My pedal chain is Xotic wah, Ehx Pitch fork, polytune tuner, Kingtone Fuzz v2, Keeley Monterey univibe, Zen drive, Cornerstone Imperium dual overdrive, Ehx Pog 2, Ehx Memory man, Keeley hydra (stereo tremolo), Immerse reverb.

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