Let's Play - Pokémon Christmas part 7

1 year ago

0:00 - Olivine City
1:08 - Getting good rod
3:17 - Getting HM04 Strength
5:54 - Catching tentacool
6:58 - Catching magikarp
8:59 - Catching chinchou
13:46 - Catching shellder
15:50 - Catching corsola
17:48 - Catching krabby
21:23 - Trading krabby for a voltorb
23:24 - Lighthouse
43:58 - Checking out Route 40
44:05 - Battle Tower
45:45 - Route 40
51:58 - Route 41
1:00:24 - Catching mantine
1:05:35 - Cianwood City
1:09:51 - Getting secret potion
1:12:49 - Warden Baoba's safari zone
1:16:05 - Nidoran evolves into nidorino
1:17:29 - Trading nidorino for a leafeon
1:19:40 - Cianwood City gym
1:27:01 - vs. Chuck
1:31:08 - Getting HM02 Fly
1:33:42 - Picnicker Gina rematch
1:36:26 - Getting hard stone
1:37:09 - Going to take advantage of the mass outbreak
1:42:02 - Catching delibird
1:45:16 - Going back to Violet City to get the rare candy
1:46:38 - Bug-catching contest (I'm losing this on purpose for the berry)
1:47:33 - Catching metapod
1:53:09 - Catching weedle
1:55:46 - Contest results
1:58:19 - Feeding Moomoo the miltank
2:00:37 - Curing Amphy the ampharos
2:01:51 - Olivine City gym
2:02:17 - vs. Jasmine
2:06:06 - Going back to Burned Tower to get the TM20 Endure

The gym leader is not at her gym because she's taking care of a sick ampharos at the light house, so I surf across the ocean, where the swimmers have been changed to different locations, to get to Cianwood City to fetch the medicine and beat its gym leader. Then I backtrack to other places to do some stuff before I return to Olivine City to cure the ampharos and beat Jasmine.

Normally, I would post a link to where I got the game ROM, but I'm going to keep it secret, because I don't want the Nintendo ninjas to kill that website like they did with Emu Paradise. Sorry to say, but you're going to have to find a emulator ROM site on you own. But I will share you the link to Visual Boy Advance: http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html There's so many Visual Boy downloads, I don't remember where I got it from or if this one is legitimate. Let me know in the comments section, if this link is fake. Anyway, here's the download link for this game: https://pastehere.info/final/fcvt7~ DON'T CLICK ON THE BIG BUTTON THAT SAYS "CLICK TO DOWNLOAD", THAT'S PROBABLY A MALWARE WEBSITE!!! Instead, click on the little "Link" just below it to get the game.

Check me out on these sites:
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/RedDragonette
For my older playthroughs - https://rumble.com/c/c-1046941
Odysee - https://odysee.com/@RedDragonette:1

Also, check out my artworks and fanfics here: https://buzzly.art/~Red%20Dragonette and https://www.weasyl.com/~reddragonette

Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, video game, videogame, playthrough, walkthrough, RPG, Gameboy color, Game Boy Color, GBC, Mateo, Nintendo, Pokemon, merry christmas version, holiday rom hack, fan game, fangame, Gold, Quilava, Exeggcute, Glaceon, Sentret, Pichu, Omanyte, Krabby, Voltorb, Nidoran ♂, male, Nidorino, Leafeon, Kurt, Chuck, Jasmine, shuckle, tentacruel, pinsir, beedrill, fishing, abandoning children on an island is child abuse, just ground and/or spank them, gentleman, gentlemen, sailors, birdkeepers, lass, you can fall through holes, illness, sickness, the battle tower is unfinished, melting ice, I thought they would have a guy who gives you a free shuckle, but that's hacked out and replaced with a wild encouter, the safari zone might be unfinished, too, evolution, secretpotion, Bomberman Hero nickname reference, Aquaman nickname reference (I don't read the comics or watch the movies), Spongebob nickname reference, man throws a boulder and breaks it, storm badge, stormbadge, TM01 Dynamic Punch, ampharos can now flash and light up again, mineral badge, mineralbadge, TM23 Iron Tail, Route 29, Route 30, Violet City, Route 33, Route 34, Azalea Town, National Park, Route 36, Burned Tower, Route 39, Olivine City, Lighthouse, Route 40, Battle Tower, Route 41, Cianwood City, part seven,

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