Seeking A Kingdom Perspective; Luke 12:29-31

1 year ago

Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 12/3/2023. As He did with the previous discussion of anxiety, Jesus continues to teach His disciples that their citizenship is in the Kingdom of God, even though they must sojourn for a while in this darkened world. Therefore, they are to seek the Kingdom of God in every aspect of their lives until the Lord takes them home. We will define words like "seek" and "kingdom", and analyze their meaning in a Christian context-- in order to fully understand the metaphors Jesus is using. We will ask ourselves, when Jesus is so explicit about the importance of separation from this world-- why are so many Christians bogged down in the pursuit of of it? Ultimately we will recognize that our perspective is the key and we must therefore strive as Jesus has commanded us to intently seek a Kingdom Perspective.

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