Trump: 'If Biden Took Me Behind The Barn And I'd Go Like This [Blows], He'd Fall Over'

1 year ago

Trump: "I personally don't think he makes it. Okay? I haven’t said that. I’m saving it for this big town hall. I personally don’t think he makes it. (Applause) I think he’s in bad shape physically. Do you remember when he said, 'I’d like to take him behind the barn?' If he took me behind the barn and I went like this — (blows) — I believe he would fall over. I believe he would fall over. Who knows? Who knows? But it was okay. By the way, it was okay for him to say that. He said, 'I’d like to take him behind the barn.' He could say that and everyone thought it was cute. If I ever said it, they would say, 'He’s a dictator. He’s a horrible human bin.' It’s a whole double standard we have, not only in the law but just about everything else, as you know very well. I personally don’t think he makes it physically. I watched him at the beach. He wasn’t able to lift a beach chair which was meant for children to lift, you could lift it like that. And mentally, I would say he’s possibly equally as bad and maybe worse.”

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