Forthcoming Rare and Short-Lasting Wish-Fulfilling Astrological Configuration

1 year ago

A wish-fulfilling astrological configuration is about to take place. It is in the form of a transit of Jupiter over the star Caph, beta Cassiopeia. It happens once in 12 years and lasts 10-12 days.
Caph is wish-fulfillment star according to the Sabean Sages, Abu Ma’shar, and Abul-Hasan-Bihaqi. Here is the original source where I got this information from:
No astrological knowledge is required for one to benefit from this wish-fulfilling configuration.
I explain when exactly it starts, how long it lasts and what a person or a people can wish for.
In addition, I show what part of the day within these 10 days the fixed star Caph will be most active for two of the largest cities in Bulgaria. This calculation is location specific and is done with astronomical and astrological software. If you would like me to calculate this for your location, contact me. It costs 12 USD.
Take advantage of this free knowledge and share the video widely, because such an opportunity will not come again in the next 12 years!
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