Dr. Weinberger's Cough Cure Procedure For Clinical Use Only

1 year ago

COVID19 Update: Dr. Weinberger has received numerous unsolicited reports of post-COVID-19 habit cough, and habit cough cure success utilizing his procedure. - Please report any post-viral, COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 / Corona / Coronavirus habit coughs, & post-COVID-19 habit cough cures utilizing Dr. Weinberger's submission form https://www.habitcough.com/contact . Note: Please include any post-influenza habit cough & cures. ** Dr. Weinberger, MD, requests that you report back to him of any use, successful or unsuccessful utilization of his procedure. https://www.habitcough.com/contact Your information will assist him in helping to cure other people from their Habit Cough everywhere in the world. **

*** Dr. Weinberger, MD, requests that you report back to him of any use, successful or unsuccessful utilization of his "Weinberger Procedure". https://www.habitcough.com/contact Your information will assist him in helping to cure other people from their Habit Cough everywhere in the world. ***

Just peer reviewed & published: A Review, Update, and Commentary for the Cough without a Cause: Facts and Factoids of the Habit Cough https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/12/5/1970

If YouTube is not available in your location, or you wish to download the files directly, the videos are located at these links. File is named "Clinical Use Only".


Peer reviewed and published chronic cough cure since 1991 - http://bit.ly/CureByProxy

https://bit.ly/ClinicalPearl utilized in AAAAI asthma doctor offices

There is no cost or fee associated with The Weinberger Procedure by-proxy. Any interaction you have with your doctor might certainly include associated costs. Utilization of Dr. Weinberger's work does not create a doctor/patient relationship.

The Weinberger Procedure "by-proxy" is the first and only instant & permanent cure for chronic coughs ~ not just a "treatment" or "suppression" of chronic cough.

“Habit Cough Syndrome” – Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, University of Iowa and Visiting Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego, Rady Children’s Hospital

World cough cure map of children and adults: https://www.habitcough.com/habitcough...


To view Dr. Weinberger's peer reviewed and published habit cough cure video click here:


Not medical advice. Consult with your doctors prior to any diagnosis or treatment.

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