9 months ago

What a delightful chappie he looks like. According to the report he is still on full pay? I know the argument of he has yet to be convicted. However, are they trying to tell us that tasering a 90 year old woman who could only move with a walking frame didn't break any police internal policies? If your employer catches you stealing at work, loading up the back of your car with everything of value you can find and then driving off, would your employer keep paying you wages until you had been convicted of theft? If his friends get him off do they seriously intend to give him his revolver and taser back and let him loose in the community as a policeman? The whole story beggars belief.

I'm trying to understand what they are going on about, but when I sift through the hyperbole and strings of unnecessary technical buzz words it seems all they are concerned about is A.I. being able to write scam emails with more accurate English. If scammers had simply used spelling and grammar checking software they wouldn't need A.I.. If there is a threat from A.I. these two guys either don't know what it is or haven't included it in this video.

This is absolutely appalling. For those people outside South Australia, North Adelaide is one of the state's most prestigious and expensive suburbs. Many people dream of being able to afford a home there. However the most galling aspect of this report is that the invading scum were taking up places that could have been used by homeless Australians. There are families, women and children, living in tents, but these invading bastards get hotel accommodation? I say reopen the Woomera detention centre out in the desert and send the invaders there, until they can be resettled in Rwanda. Then open the facilities in North Adelaide for homeless Australians. I can't believe I am in a minority when it comes to this issue, surely the Australian people will vote out the politicians responsible for this?

The continuing collapse of the South Australian medical system. About A year ago I predicted that they may have to dock a hospital ship at Port Adelaide to deal with the overflow of patients. It now looks like they wont be doing that. It seems to me that their preferred option is simply to allow the system to collapse. The only way to fix the system is with money, I mean vast sums of money. Admittedly they have been pumping money into the system, but it would appear they have either severely miscalculated the amount of money they would require, or they miscalculated the funds they would be able to draw on, probably both. Which is why they have taken to the plan the last government used of claiming there is a solution due any day now. And running away as quickly as possible.

Although the medical system is collapsing they are still pushing ahead with aboriginal voice, treaty, Macarena, and any other racism they can think of. Also moving and renaming several Australian holidays. I'm beginning to think there may be a plan behind all the racist nonsense. Obviously it has nothing to do with Aborigines, they couldn't give a damn about them. I think it may have something to do with the failure of the Prime Minister. The South Australian Premier, Mussolini Malinauskas, and the Premiers of several other States are all pushing through the policies Albo the Failo promised but failed to deliver, despite the populations of all States overwhelmingly voting against the racist apartheid, and disgust at denigrating Australian holidays. If they don't care about Aborigines, and they are knowingly going against the wishes of their electorates, the question becomes who are they doing it for? Possibly they are doing it for Labour Party officials. I think they may be trying to present themselves as attractive candidates to replace the Prime Minister when the Party finally tires of his failures and gives him the boot. But that is just a theory.

I don't use X twitter whatever, I have however several times seen claims that Elon Musk is shaking things up. I'm surprised that one of things he hasn't done is switch off the ability for government officials to turn off comments. I understand they had to do that to Donald Trump when he was President, so why doesn't that policy also apply to Australian politicians?

Fascinating! I was totally unaware that New Zealand had rejected the W.H.O. one world government totalitarian agreement. The U.K. government responded to a petition by saying they had already signed and pledged full support. I haven't heard anything from the Australian government, I think the deadline for rejection has either passed or is about to, so our traitorous politicians have sold all Australians out. I'll have to keep a closer watch on New Zealand. Back during the minerals boom many Australians used to retire to New Zealand due to the favourable exchange rate and the two countries being culturally so similar. I know New Zealand arrested the covid whistle blower a few days ago, I don't know what New Zealand's whistle blower laws are like, I do know they have similar internet censorship Laws to Australia. I have to wonder if New Zealand authorities aren't unwittingly racing head long into the "Streisand Effect". Officials may expose New Zealanders to information they had previously censored. Generally government officials in every country aren't that clever, and have difficulty with concepts of freedom such as the "Streisand Effect". Some officials can't even grasp the concept of people not doing as they are told. If the covid whistle blower results in prosecutions and jailing of covid officials New Zealand may become for those Australians who can afford it an attractive place to try to move to, unfortunately I wouldn't be able to afford it.

Of course they are still growing. Is anyone who isn't a cult member surprised by this? I still think giving the climate cult exactly what they want would be the best option. Pick part of one State. Erect a large barrier around that area, like the U.S.A. is doing at their Southern border. Move all the climate cult into that area, make sure there are no fossil fuels, or products of fossil fuels, there to offend them. Lock them in to their fossil free dystopian nightmare, while the rest of the normal population can go about our lives free of those religious extremists.

You see in one of the previous stories about the collapse of the health system with ambulances queued with dying patients waiting to get into hospitals. So where does this moron direct her attention, why the lie of climate change of course. The truly sad thing is she isn't trying to draw attention away from the failing medical system, she is too stupid to have that level of cunning, she really does seem to be a bubble headed bimbo who's attention is drawn from one shiny new current distraction to the next. As unlikely as a reckoning for crimes against humanity carried out during the covid is, if a reckoning ever does come she will be the fall guy, and everyone else will get off Scot free. She looks like she is regularly invited out on snipe hunts, and probably accepts.

Who but the Australian A.B.C. would hire a reporter who can't pronounce the word covid. Even this computer voice does a better job than him. Now, will somebody explain to me why he, and all the murderers he interviews, keep talking about immunity? What does immunity have to do with the m.R.N.A. shots? What does immunity have to do with the boosters? We have known since before the shots were introduced to Australia that they gave protection, and only protection, the word immunity was removed from the English language, only the word protection was to be used. You and I of course question that there is any benefit at all from the shots, let alone immunity. They can't keep their lies straight.

I'm tempted to file a complaint against the A.B.C. for spreading false covid information. But I know they wouldn't accept it if lodged anonymously, and I really don't want to give them my name, plus I know they would reject it out of hand.

Well, that didn't take long did it? I understand they have committed several other crimes since I downloaded this video. The idiotic government is sticking by it's ridiculous lie that they couldn't have done anything else. The Howard government won elections on this issue. Albo the Failo is looking more like a one term wonder everyday. If this keeps up he may not even make it to the next election. There could be a no confidence vote, followed by a new P.M., who cleans out all the bubble headed minsters who aren't up to the job. The only problem is I'm not aware of anyone up to the job.

Another 15 million pounds. Why don't we take half of the quarter billion allocated for tagging and tracking the invading scum and use it to purchase places in Rwanda. We don't even have to find extra money, just use half the amount already allocated. Has anyone even tried contacting the U.K.? My understanding is that one of the impediments to the U.K. sending invading scum to Rwanda is trumped up safety concerns. Send our invading scum to Rwanda as a test case to show how safe it is.

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