23 - Selective Outrage - The Harmful Inconsistency of Moral Values and Principles

1 year ago

In this eye-opening episode of "Selective Outrage: The Harmful Inconsistency of Moral Values and Principles," we delve deep into the concept of selective outrage, a widespread behavior characterized by inconsistency in moral values and principles. Unpacking 19 striking examples, we reflect on how this selective outrage may impact both the people expressing it and its recipients. We explore why it's harmful, its prevalence, and the importance of critical thinking before joining an outrage bandwagon. Join us as we aim to promote consistency in moral values, encourage constructive dialogue, and prioritize genuine problem-solving.

#selectiveoutrage #moralvalues #socialpsychology #criticalthinking #hypocrisy #outrageculture #constructivedialogue #humanrights #animalrights #culturalappropriation #immigration #privacyviolations #climatechange #traditionalvalues #cancelculture #socialjustice #problemsolving

References for Further Reading:

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