Why Is Israel? | Part 3

1 year ago

Zionism is a political ideology that was created and manufactured out of thin air by a guy named Theodore Herzl in the 1800's I am not going to get into that guy you can go and do your own research on that. The Ashkenazi Jews which are one set of Jews were in Europe for nearly 300 years. In Germany, as in most of Europe, the Jews that were there were white Europeans, not from the area referred to as Palestine which we discussed last week was what the Greeks call the land in that region. In Europe, there was discrimination among Jews and there were various classes of Jews, you had the working-class Jews, and there were also the bourgeois Jews and that is when Herzl created Zionism which said Oh we're being persecuted. It was created by Herzl with lots and lots of money from some of the most racist people in the world, like Cecil Rhodes the guy who created Rhodesia who had very little regard for black or brown people. He controlled all the mines in Rhodesia and he was one of the most racist individuals on the planet, Zionism got its funding from Cecil Rhodes among other people. So Zionism's original goal was to put their homeland in Uganda not Palestine. After WW2 ended the British said we're not giving you Uganda we are giving you this place called Palestine. Which Joey mentioned in last week's episode.
Some people believe that It was the British who created this place called Israel and stole it from the Palestinians and many Arab Jews converted to Islam because of the subjugation of the Ashkenazi Jews. So if I understand this point basically these White Zionists came to Israel and there were dark-skinned Jews there who were non-Ashkenazi Jews and still to this day they are treated as badly as the Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

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