21 - Love - Greek Philosophy, Bible, Science & Secular Views on the Essence of this Profound Emotion

1 year ago

Dive deep into the multifaceted world of love in this thought-provoking episode. Delving into Greek philosophy, biblical teachings, scientific understanding, and secular views, we explore the essence of this profound emotion. Through the lens of seven types of love in Greek philosophy and bible verses from the book of Proverbs, we attempt to dissect the complex emotion that shapes human relationships and guides our interactions. This episode also highlights the role of love in a life partnership, covering aspects like compassion, kindness, and the willingness to work through hardships.

#love #greekphilosophy #biblicallove #scienceoflove #secularviews #eros #philia #ludus #storge #pragma #philautia #agape #romanticlove #platoniclove #familiallove #selflove #emotionalbonds #relationships #truelove #understandinglove #lifepartner #compassion #kindness #proverbs


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