Steve Kirsch – Vaccine Speech at MIT on 11-30-2023

10 months ago

***This is very Good.*** *Note: Fast Forward to around the 20-minute mark as there was Technical Difficulties.

Steve Kirsch, an entrepreneur and one of the inventors of the Optical Mouse has been offering any professor and any Medical doctor a $1 Million to debate him on Vaccine Effectiveness and Safety. Not one single person has volunteered. One of the MIT professors sits on the Board of Moderna and he definitely didn’t want any part of this because if he saw this First Time in History Vaccine Data – he would have to do something. The data is that clear. There is NO dispute. He would have a LEGAL obligation to report this to the Board of Moderna (not that they don’t really know) and that would definitely lead to his demotion from the board. No one wants to lose their board certifications or their jobs. They are choosing money over saving humanity. Way to go losers.

Steve Kirsch offered MIT Professor Dr. Robert Langer $10 Million to come on the MIT stage to debate. He refused. They know. They just don’t want to be embarrassed and shunned by their superiors – Big Pharma. Steve gave him the option to name a team of colleagues and he would donate $10 million to MIT and he chose to ignore it.

Steve contacted Moderna and asked them if they wanted to defend their vaccine and he said he left many messages and no response. Nothing. If the jabs were safe and effective and there was not an evil agenda behind them, they would definitely present the “science.”

Steve offered ANY scientist in the WORLD to come to this MIT stage and debate him and if he convinced audience they were right, they would earn $100K. Once again, no one replied. Why?? Because it is a NO Brainer folks. It is a losing battle for them and the only thing that would happen is exposure to the “scientific” field and the exposure to Big Pharma.

Doctors who are speaking are literally having their medical licenses revoked. Censorship goes like this: you tell the truth and we will come in and take away all those years you put in for medical school and you can go into another profession. Since when does democracy punish someone for telling the truth and the truth is 100% backed by science. In fact this truth is flat out indisputable. Youtube, Facebook, Bitchute and Twitter (X) should be ashamed and those who are working at these Nazi institutions should either quit their or get a tattoo of a Swastika on their foreheads.

A U.S Navy Medical Officer exposed Defense Department Data that flat out says Heart Related Issues following the Covid Vaccines are skyrocketing. Myocarditits up by 151%. Heart Failure up by 973%. That is incredible. This officer told his superiors, but they continued to give the shots. Is following orders a good enough reason to kill innocent lives?

FACTS about the Covid Vaccination: It will INCREASE your Risk to Infection, it INCREASE your Risk of Death from Covid and it will INCREASE your Risk of Death from ACM or All Caused Mortality.

Do you know that the CDC doesn’t even have vaccination records from states? If they don’t have this data, they can’t do an analysis. So how in the hell are they blabbing about this is safe and effective? They don’t even ask for the data. Why? Because they know. Let’s be real truthful here: The CDC is run by a bunch of Satanic Globalists who believe they are to rule this planet and one of their goals is to reduce the population to 500 million and to have these 500 million completely enslaved in a Wireless Cage on a Cloud System based off of their Transhumanism agenda. That’s the REAL truth, but not discussed in this MIT lecture. Just saying.

The Blue Pill or the Red Pill - which one will you take?

Steve goes on to show the lies and the facts that prove the Covid Vaccines are NOT safe and are NOT effective. The New Zealand statistics are unreal. Thank You Steve Kirsch, you are a hero for the entire human race.

SOURCE: This is very important information that needs to be shared. Share this Link – Vaccine Safety Research Foundation --

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