Greg Weldon: The Economic Sweet Spot For Gold is on the Doorstep

1 year ago

Tom welcomes back Greg Weldon, a forty+ year financial market veteran, commodity trading advisor, and the publisher of WeldonLIVE.

Greg restarted The Gold Guru due to a flatlining market with low open interest, believing that the market is ready to take off. He provides conservative and aggressive portfolios for investors and has developed algorithms that rank mining shares. He aims to provide economic data and information to help people navigate the changing market landscape.

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He discusses topics such as the likelihood of the Fed increasing interest rates and inflation target in economic downturns, the impact of COVID on the economy, the rise in commodity prices, the macroeconomic implications of inflation, the difference in central bank policies between the US and other countries, and the potential risks associated with a strong dollar.

Greg suggests that investors can take advantage of the current downturn by looking for opportunities in the homebuilding market and index ETFs. He believes that gold could be a long-term buy and hold opportunity driven by inflation and central bank policies. He recommends investing in a small group or a broad-based portfolio of gold stocks.

Greg emphasizes the use of charts to identify patterns and trends for investment decisions. He encourages becoming proactive and agile in investing to avoid falling behind. He also mentions the potential for junior mining shares to increase in value and the underutilization of the commodities market, particularly in food.

Lastly, He encourages readers to do their homework, read extensively, and engage in discussions about investing.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
1:00 - Greg's Background
6:38 - Trend Changes & Gold
9:37 - Fed Policy & 2019/2020
12:28 - Panama Canal & Inflation
15:40 - Inflation & Fed Response
18:06 - Central Banks & Europe
22:09 - Fed Metrics & Stability
24:20 - Lag Impacts & Policy
26:45 - Gold's Recent Moves
30:44 - Volatility & Gold Markets 31:30 - EDIT?
32:28 - Gold Dollar Adjusted
34:42 - GDX & SIL ETF Levels
37:45 - Ranking the Miners
40:19 - Commodities & ETF Trades
41:10 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode
- US dollar is losing purchasing power and is providing economic data and information to help people.
- The commodities market, especially food, is under appreciated, ETFs are a good way to gain exposure..

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Greg Weldon is a veteran in the global financial markets industry with over 40 years of experience. He started his career as a floor trader on the COMEX and later worked as a broker for Lehman Brothers and Prudential Securities. He then became a proprietary money manager for hedge funds Moore Capital Management and Commodities Corporation. In 1998, he founded Weldon Financial and has been producing independent research ever since. His clients include top hedge funds, banks, government agencies, and individual investors.

WeldonLIVE, his flagship service, provides a comprehensive market research report, including live commentary. The service covers global economic reports, supply-demand fundamentals, monetary trends, and their impact on stock, bond, currency, and commodity markets. Weldon combines a top-down macro approach with technical analysis to offer a broad view of market trends. He provides market recommendations in sectors such as stock indexes, metals, currencies, fixed-income, energy, and commodities.

@GregoryWeldon #Gold #Fed #Markets #Commodities #WeldonLive #GoldTradingBootcamp #GoldGuru #PreciousMetals #Inflation #ElNino #Debt #Commodities #StrongDollar #WeatherEvent #COVIDPandemic #Economy #Housing #Construction #Homes #ETFs #JuniorMiningShares #PGMs

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