IVERMECTIN “Blocks 8 pathways to cancer”

1 year ago

There's a good reason Big-Pharma, Governments, and Police/Courts rallied together to ban the use of Ivermectin, and the legacy mockingbird media used their satanic powers to ridicule the drug and those who use it. Ivermectin is extremely cheap and effective with long-term proven safety data, but the elites who run big pharma and control soulless politicians do not want to cure people for pennies, instead they want to silence and ban its use in order to profit from treating cancers that their food and drugs products actually produce. So why does Ivermectin, a de-wormer work? Because many "cancers" are parasites! You have been lied to, brainwashed to put your faith in criminals who wear white coats, Doctors who broke their hippocratic oath the second they smelled money, bribes in the form of "funding" from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Pfizer, and so on.

Those Doctors and Nurses who broke their hippocratic oath will soon be facing military tribunals.

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