Ravers in the Nave

1 year ago

Church of England revs with a difference Daniel French and Jamie Franklin sit down to talk about the most interesting issues in church and state. This time:
- Church of England's Christmas campaign 'Follow the Star' falls flat due to basic typos and theological errors. But what tone could the CofE strike to truly reach the culture?
- Climate Change protestors bravely storm the quire of Chichester Cathedral and interrupt Radio 3 evensong. Is this genuine prophecy or self-important pomposity?
- COP 28 kicks off with 400,000 delegates creating the biggest carbon footprint since the Industrial Revolution began and King Charles making some strange comments about the "indigenous worldview".
- Canterbury Cathedral hosting rave in the nave with obscene lyrics by Eminem is untenable says Gavin Ashenden. His solution? Give the cathedrals back to the Roman Catholic Church!
- And Douglas Murray is indirectly threatened with weird prediction of Islamic gangsters coming to get him.
That and much much more as ever!
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COP 28:
Twits on Twitter - Climate Clowns Interrupt Evensong; https://twitter.com/CResurrexit/status/1730243919005249668
My Battle with CofE Over Climate Change:https://dailysceptic.org/2023/12/01/my-battle-with-the-church-of-england-over-its-obsession-with-climate-change/
Islamic “influencer” creepily threatens Douglas Murray with “gangsters": https://x.com/__injaneb96/status/1731954850169082257?s=46
Ashenden: On Canterbury Cathedral Rave in the Nave
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