Pathological Liar Joe Biden Wanted To Play Both Lacrosse And Football But Couldn't

1 year ago

Who wants to hear more stories about Joe Biden's childhood? President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris both made remarks Wednesday at the White House Tribal Nations Summit. So how did Biden get on the subject of lacrosse vs. football? According to the Associated Press, "Biden also threw his support behind a request to allow Haudenosaunee Confederacy to compete under its own flag in the 2028 Olympics in lacrosse, a sport they invented." Pandering Biden always has to make everything about himself … any time someone dies, he has to bring up Beau Biden. In this case, Biden lamented that he wasn't able to play lacrosse. Remember, Biden could have been All-American like his grandfather (not) while he was playing flankerback.

Biden's confused again! Football and lacrosse are indeed separate seasons. Either he's misinformed or trying to score political points with a false story. He does it all the time. You drive an 18-wheeler? I used to drive an 18-wheeler. You lost your son in Iraq. My son Beau died in Iraq.

• More at: Twitchy - President Joe Biden Wanted to Play Both Lacrosse AND Football but Couldn't

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