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The History Of Satan And Sexual Worship At Grammys With Hollywood Movie Stars
The Cult of Devil Worship in America In This Special Video Exposé From The History Of Satan Worship we take a look at the recent 2023 Grammy Awards and look back at past Grammy Award shows to reveal how satanic worship has been prevalent each year going back quite some time now.
The Grammys have been known to be one of the most popular award ceremonies to host a variety of many different artists. This annual event has featured a variety of different satanic-themed performances, as well as blatantly antichrist artists who don’t mind sharing their beliefs with others. This special exposé reveals the satanic history of The Grammys, as well as the mainstream satanic view many popular artists have to this day.
Satan Performs at the Super Bowl While many believe the 2021 Super Bowl halftime show by The Weekend was nothing to be concerned about, we take a look behind the curtain to reveal what is really behind the artists who perform each year. Learn how Satan has been using the Super Bowl halftime shows to deceive millions of unsuspecting fans with so-called entertainment.
Good Fight Ministries has released several videos over the past several years exposing the artists who perform at the Super Bowl halftime show. We recap some of these artists, take a look at The Weekend, and reveal how Tom Brady and his wife are involved in the occult.
When I need to know what’s wrong with the world and who to be outraged at I turn to the words of Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) or even Ben Shapiro. Why? Because they certainly give upstanding moral and ethical character vibes, and are shining lights in this evil world. Speaking of evil, the Grammys happened. My insatiable thirst for moral superiority is always tested when I’m forced against my will (sorry Calvinists, you’re wrong!) by ‘woke’ leftists to watch an annual award show about sing-songs.
Flipping through streaming services, all it is these days is gay pirates, Black hobbits, and Black timelords. That left me literally no choice but to watch this annual award show and I’m really not surprised that the Grammys took this repulsiveness to a whole new level with what Ted Cruz calls “evil.” Apparently our timeline is the plot to Footloose.
On Sunday night at the Grammys, British singer and songwriter Sam Smith—AKA “devil worshiper”—performed their chart-topping collaborative song “Unholy” with German vocalist Kim Petras. The duo also celebrated their win for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance, becoming the first non-binary/transgender woman duo winners in history. Of course this has nothing to do with why I’m repulsed at their win. I have a gay cardiologist. I support the BLTs and those other people like Kanye ‘Ye’ West and Candace Owens.
As someone old enough to remember the Satanic panic of the 1980s and 90s, this is exactly that! Except it’s not really. MTG reminded us godly folks that “The Grammy’s [sic] featured Sam Smith’s demonic performance and was sponsored by Pfizer.” Flashing red lights, scantily clad women adorned with devil horns, and Sam dressed as Satan himself backed by a pharmaceutical company sounds more like a weekend at Mar-a-Lago than the Grammys, but at any rate it’s hedonism on the grandest scale.
It’s wrong on so many levels but I can’t put my finger on it. It’s connected to Pfizer who clearly endorsed this. It’s somehow normalizing Satan worship. It’s… “gory.” I don’t have “grand children” but if I did, I wouldn’t want “these people” to be their role models. All of these things combined seem vaguely like causes for concern, I guess. You got me. I’m scared.
But what really gets me is how we don’t actually have to pin down what’s so upsetting because it’s almost like we’d have to say the quiet part out loud. This is why I’m grateful for Ben Shapiro who fearlessly climbed atop three telephone books to represent the lollipop guild and proclaim that the “annual trolling of traditionally moral people continued apace this year with a full-on Satanic performance from two white men, Sam Smith and Kim Petras.”
You see this is not about the devil or Pfizer or my non-existent grandkids or scantily clad women (which no one on the Right really seems too upset about for some reason). It’s about the inability to express transphobia as viciously and irrationally as someone like Shapiro will do. The discomfort on the Right or among QAnons that makes them babble like Babel’s Tower was just erected comes from the fact that their replacement for the 80s and 90s Satanic Panic is transphobia (and CRT but we’ll leave that for another panic session).
It’s almost as though these people, most of whom identify strongly as Christian, are unfamiliar with the numerous commands to love their neighbors as themselves. The world—science, art, humanity—is evolving (again let’s leave that word for another panic session too), but it’s changing at a rate that has people pretending they uphold “traditional” values when they’re too cowardly to admit that it’s change that really scares them. What’s probably most upsetting for people like Ben Shapiro is that Kim Petras is just another woman whose special grown-up time zone he can’t make drier than the Sahara.
Maybe I don’t really understand what “evil” means after all. I think men walking into schools and murdering children is evil. Forcing rape victims to endure unwanted pregnancies is evil. Forcing people to choose between poverty or death because of a monetized and profit-driven healthcare system is evil. Leaving your constituents to freeze to death while running away to Cancun is evil. Throwing young men and women in prison for decades for trumped up crimes and minor offenses is evil. Devil-horned Lil Nas X sliding down a pole into hell was ev- wait, that was actually amazing. You see, evil is subjective. What makes us “moral” as Shapiro screeches after taking a big swig of helium is also subjective. This sheep-like behavior from people who claim to be free thinkers would be hysterical if it weren’t so dangerous.
For some, it’s literally easier to hate than to try and see the world through the eyes of someone with less than you. In other words, it’s sometimes easier to see people as less than you, rather than see them with less than you. It’s about power and purposeful misunderstanding when people have certain privileges over others and want to maintain that power and control.
So, Sam Smith dressing up as a devilish goatman for a 3-minute performance isn’t really going to turn people into devil worshipers is it? Was there a sudden rise in the purchase of devil tails from Party City (or whatever was around in the ‘Dark Ages’) after The Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy For the Devil” dropped in 1968? Was there an uptick in sales of hell maps when AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” came out in 1979? Was Lucifer spotted more frequently when Rob Zombie sang “Lucifer Rising” in 2013?
I don’t know. But while we investigate, I think people like Cruz, MTG, and Shapiro should consider the words of Dolly Parton, the world-renowned, universally-beloved country singer-songwriter who, in a beautiful song from her 2003 album “For God and Country,” gave them clear instructions: “Go to hell.”
Satanism is a modern, largely non-theistic religion based on literary, artistic and philosophical interpretations of the central figure of evil. It wasn’t until the 1960s that an official Satanic church was formed by Anton LaVey.
Prior to the 20th Century, Satanism did not exist as a real organized religion but was commonly claimed as real by Christian churches. These claims surfaced particularly when persecuting other religious groups during events like the Inquisition, various witch hysterias in Europe and Colonial America and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s.
Who is Satan?
The popular image of Satan is a horned, red, demonic human figure with a pointy tail and sometimes hooves. To Christians, sinners are sent to his domain—hell—after death. Hell is described as an underground world dominated by fire and Sadistic demons under Satan’s command.
Satan’s first appearance wasn’t in Christianity. He began as the Zoroastrian Devil figure of Angra Mainyu or Ahriman, which opposed the Zoroastrian creator god and tempted humans. Satan is later portrayed in Jewish Kabbalism, which presents him as a demon who lives in a demonic realm.
The name “Satan” first appeared in the Book of Numbers in the Bible, used as a term describing defiance. The character of Satan is featured in the Book of Job as an accusing angel. In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, written in the first century B.C., Satan is a member of the Watchers, a group of fallen angels.
Later established as a nemesis of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, the final book of the Bible, Revelations, depicts him as the ultimate evil. It’s the Christian figure of Satan that Satanism directly references.
Satan as Anti-Hero
In his 14th-century poem “Inferno,” Dante captured centuries of Christian belief by portraying Satan as an evil monster. But the Romantics of the 17th century recast him as an admirable and magnetic rebel, an anti-hero defying God’s authoritarianism. John Milton’s epic 1667 poem “Paradise Lost” is the pivotal text for establishing this interpretation in creative works. William Godwin’s 1793 treatise “An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice” later gave Milton’s depiction political legitimacy.
The most enduring Satanic symbol was created by occult author Éliphas Lévi. Lévi describes him as the horned goat deity Baphomet, in his 1854 book Dogme et Rituel, which linked Baphomet with Satan.
Probably a French misinterpretation of “Muhammed,” Baphomet was the deity the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping in trials in the 14th century.
Satan in the 19th Century
The last half of the 19th century saw a resurgence in the view of Satan as anti-hero. This was thanks to works like Italian poet Giosuè Carducci’s anti-papal “Hymn To Satan” and William Blake’s illustrations for Paradise Lost in 1888.
In his own book The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Blake presented Satan as a messiah. Around the same time, Theosophical Society founder Madame Blavatsky wrote about Satan as a commendable insurgent offering humans wisdom.
Artists in the Decadent movement like Félicien Rops placed Satanic imagery in paintings, influenced by writers like Baudelaire and Poe. Satan was also employed in writings from socialist leaders like Mikhail Bakunin and Karl Marx.
Polish author Stanisław Przybyszewski wrote two books about Satan in 1897, one fiction and one non-fiction. Przybyszewski’s Satan was an anarchist with a comprehensive philosophy that was similar to modern Satanism. Przybyszewski’s young acolytes called themselves Satan’s Kinder.
Aleister Crowley
Legendary occultist Aleister Crowley viewed Satan symbolically. His 1913 poem “A Hymn to Lucifer” celebrated the Devil as the provider of soul and rebellion to the universe. Crowley’s ideas were influential in Satanism.
One offshoot from Crowley’s crowd was the German group Fraternitas Saturni in 1926. Its founder Gregor A. Gregorius wrote Satanische Magie, which borrowed heavily from the Romantics and adopted Satan within the group’s astrological system. Fraternitas Saturni still exists and Gregorius’ writing has been used in Satanist practice.
Anton Lavey
Sometime between 1957 and 1960, Anton Lavey, a former carnival worker and musician, held night classes in the occult. Regular attendees eventually formed the Church of Satan.
These sessions were mostly discussion-based but on April 30, 1966, the group formalized as the Church of Satan and the meetings became more ritual-based, incorporating theatrics, costuming and music. Lavey became known as the Black Pope.
The Church’s early recruiting efforts included the short-lived Topless Witches Revue nightclub show, featuring Susan Atkins, who would later join the Manson Family.
The Satanic Bible
Lavey’s Satanic Bible was published in 1969, bringing together Lavey’s personal mix of black magic and occult concepts, secular philosophy and rationalism and anti-Christian ridicule into essays stressing human autonomy and self-determination in the face of an indifferent universe. The Satanic Bible gave the church a national reputation and served as a strong vehicle for its significant growth.
Herbert Sloane
Ohio barber and part-time spiritual medium Herbert Sloan claimed in 1969 that he started the first Satanist organization, the Our Lady of Endor Coven of the Ophite Cultus Sathanas, in 1948. Sloane described his group as focused on the metaphysical aspects of Satan and offered service, communion and coffee and donuts socializing afterward. To compete with Lavey’s offerings, he added naked women to the meetings.
Order of the Nine Angles
The Order of Nine Angles formed in England in the 1970s to practice an occult-focused Satanism and the more recent Joy of Satan which wraps UFO conspiracies and anti-Semitism into their Satanism.
Satanic Schisms
As the Church of Satan grew in size, internal rifts developed, leading some members split off to start their own branches.
One expelled church member, Wayne West, formed the First Occultic Church of Man in 1971. Newsletter editor Michael Aquino left to form the Temple of Set in 1975, and plenty others followed. As proof of Satanism’s growth, the U.S. Army included the faith in its manual for chaplains “Religious Requirements and Practices” beginning in 1978.
The next decade brought in newer denominations like the Luciferian Children of Satan, founded by Marco Dimitri in Italy in 1982. Dimitri was convicted of child abuse but was later cleared.
Later Satanic groups include the Order of the Left-Hand Path, a New Zealand group founded in1990 that mixed Satanism with Nietzschean philosophy, and the Satanic Reds. The Satanic Reds formed in 1997 in New York, and combined Satanism with socialism and Lovecraftian concepts—a subgenre of horror fiction.
Satanic Panic
The 1980s Satanic Panic saw Christian fundamentalists push the idea that Satanic cults were systematically abusing children in rituals and committing widespread murder, and successfully convince the general public through sensational news coverage. Christian groups typically misrepresented the Church’s beliefs and practices in order to fabricate a real-world villain behind the conspiracy for the media.
Serial killer Richard Ramirez, when finally captured in 1985, claimed to be a Satanist, employing Satanic symbolism to his look and claiming to know Lavey, adding fuel to the fire of the panic. Lavey claimed they had briefly met in the streets in the 1970s, but Ramirez had never set foot in the church.
The panic escalated, with Satanic Ritual Abuse becoming a standard aspect of high profile cases like the McMartin School in California. These criminal cases featured a consistent lack of evidence and alleged coercion on the part of child psychologists pushing the conspiracy theory. The zeal of the fundamentalists led to few if any investigations or prosecutions of actual Satanists. Most of the victims of the frenzy were other Christians.
Post-Lavey Church of Satan
The Church of Satan weathered the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and ‘90s, with Lavey keeping a calm and low profile despite media attention. But the group faced challenges after Lavey’s death in 1997. Leadership went to Lavey’s partner Blanche Barton after a legal battle with his children. In 2001 Barton appointed author and Church member Peter H. Gilmore as high priest and his wife, church administrator Peggy Nadramia, as high priestess. Gilmore’s controversial claims that Church of Satan members were the only true Satanists led to a new wave of exoduses that saw departing church members creating their own offshoots.
Former Order of the Nine Angles member and heavy metal musician Michael Ford formed the Greater Church of Lucifer in 2013, opening the first public Satanic Temple in Houston two years later. The GCL follows many LaVeyan principles with touches of the occult and has chapters in other countries.
The Satanic Temple
The most successful result of church divisions is The Satanic Temple. It first gained attention in 2013 with a satirical rally against Florida Governor Rick Scott, but grew into a more organized group quickly.
Cofounders Lucien Greaves and Malcolm Jarry characterized the Temple’s creation as a reaction to the Church of Satan’s inability to “manifest itself into a real-world relevant organization.”
Calling itself a non-theistic religion embracing the Devil as a symbolic form of rebellion in the tradition of Milton, the Temple devoted itself to political action focused on the separation of church and state, religious equality and reproductive rights.
The Satanic Temple gained notoriety through two attempts to have a statue of Baphomet legally placed on two state capitol grounds—Oklahoma in 2015 and in Arkansas in 2018—in reaction to government-sanctioned 10 Commandments monuments.
The Temple launched a physical location in Salem, Massachusetts, in 2016 and was recognized as a religion by the U.S. government in 2019, receiving tax-free status. It has grown to include about 20 temples across North America and was the focus of Penny Lane’s acclaimed 2019 documentary, “Hail Satan?” which is credited for giving Satanism its highest profile yet.
Hollywood Goes Full-On Devil Worship If you can imagine Satan roaming around the streets of Los Angeles like he’s Justin Bieber, circa 2013—driving a fast car, catching the interested stares from both girls and boys at the bars, and getting into trouble with the law, the ladies, and the Lord all at the same time—you’ll have a pretty good idea of how Fox’s new TV show, Lucifer, begins.
That’s right, America—Fox is bringing a show about Satan to primetime. Nobody’s shocked, really. This is a network owned by a company that, for years, has enabled the public with nightly doses of Bill O’Reilly. Moreover, some Americans—likely Bill O’Reilly fans—have long decried Fox as one of the Devil’s Networks, suggesting that shows like Family Guy and/or Glee to be the feces of Satan.
Of course, it’s obvious why Fox is taking a chance on Lucifer. Like the network’s semi-hit show Gotham, the lead character is derived from a DC Comics series, a trend that a lot of networks—from Netflix to The CW—are following, banking huge budgets on shows adapted from comic book characters.
In Lucifer, the devil incarnate is loosely based on “Lucifer Morningstar”—a character that debuted in DC Comics’ The Sandman in 1989 and later headlined its own eponymously-titled series. In Fox’s version of Lucifer, an hourlong dramedy that stars Wales native Tom Ellis as the charming Prince of (semi) Darkness, Satan is a bored, uninspired and likable supernatural human who, without giving notice, decides to take a leave of absence from Hell and search for a little excitement in LA.
Within the first few minutes of the Fox-planned 13-episode arc, we learn that Lucifer is not only a smooth-talking well-dressed smartass with a penchant for cracking punch lines and quipping smartly worded comebacks, he’s also a self-identifying victim—somebody who thinks he’s been abused by God since the beginning of time.
This fact is delivered when Lucifer gets a surprise visit from Amenadiel, another angelic creature who has just flown in from Heaven with a message for Lucifer from God—go back to hell immediately!
Side note: The role of Amenadiel is played by D.B. Woodside, whom you might remember played “Wayne Palmer,” one of the former Presidents of the United States from 24. And guess what? In Lucifer, Woodside looks exactly like 24’s former POTUS, except he’s donning enormous angel wings. Sadly, though he was impressive playing a president, here, as an angel with huge wings, Woodside comes off as uncomfortable at best.
However, during their conversation, Lucifer refers to himself as a “mere pawn,” one who is only filling the role of an “inherently evil” antagonist in a play written and directed by “dear ol’ Dad,” which is how Lucifer refers to God.
Through a series of events, Lucifer eventually realizes that nabbing criminals brings him a certain amount of solace, even joy—and to that end, he starts helping the LAPD catch bad guys. That, at least according to the first episode, will become an ongoing weekly gig for our villain (or is it hero?)—it’s hard to know, really.
Honestly, there’s a lot to like about Lucifer—it’s sharply written and, except for Woodside’s angel, is well casted. And Ellis’s delivery as Satan is quite good, in fact, maybe too good. In Episode 1, Lucifer is way too much of a good guy at times—he cries, he second-guesses, heck, he even feels mercy. A likable Satan isn’t a bad idea. In fact, most people—even those who believe in Satan—would be OK with Satan being a likable villain. But that uncertainty—whether Hell’s onetime overseer is good, bad, or cute and lovable—might ultimately become the show’s fall from grace.
As one might expect, Lucifer’s “good guy” storyline has sparked a good bit of backlash from several large Christian groups, including the American Family Association (AFA) and One Million Moms. Not only have both organizations initiated online campaigns against Lucifer, asking Fox to remove it from its schedule, they’ve also actively campaigned against the show on social media. That said, Fox likely isn’t listening to the faith-based noise, since marketing this show to Christians would be rather fruitless.
However, oddly enough, Fox might end up needing to pay attention to the complaints of those Christian moms. Because they’re honestly not wrong about Lucifer. In fact, the reasons why those 1 million moms (or just 80,000 moms as is the case on Facebook) are decrying the show might become the same reasons the network’s target demographic loses interest—because Lucifer is too pretty, too human, too conscientious, too much like Robin Hood. And while walking that good/bad line works for a variety of other characters, I’m just not sure that a sincerely good Satan is a sellable concept for the long haul.
In fact, even before its debut, the show’s Facebook page has garnered several comments from concerned potential viewers about Lucifer’s good-guy persona. One of the show’s fans put it like this: “I am definitely tuning in for the start of the season but if the show is going to make Lucifer a naughty good boy instead of a charming evil, I am not interested.”
Ironically, Lucifer might end up being “too good” for people who have no interest in watching and “not bad enough” for those who do.
Satan-worshipping pedophile democrats and others are running a massive child-trafficking ring and drinking children's blood, according to various social media and many devotees of the former president.
Satanic Pedophile Democrats and others are alleged to have kidnapped hundreds of thousands of children each year, or around a million since 2016. There’s a viral report that 35,000 of them have been caged in tunnels under Central Park. Many also are said to have been trafficked inside storage cabinets.
Despite the million or so reported child victims, none of the Satanic Pedophile Democrat perpetrators has been caught.
North Carolina warehouse worker Edgar Maddison Welch has come closest to catching one. He stormed a Washington, D.C. pizzeria with an AR-15 in 2016 to break up a child-trafficking ring he heard Hillary Clinton was running. But Hillary must have caught wind of the planned raid and cleared out before he showed up.
Just as none of the Satanic Pedophile Democrats and others has been apprehended, so far none of their million child victims has been found. Even though we’ve gotten word where at least 35,000 of them are. There was a claim on social media last year that the U.S. military rescued the 35,000 from their underground cages in Central Park but Reuters exposed that claim as false. Which means the kids must still be down there!
When a child disappears, parents or police often come on TV seeking the public’s assistance in finding the child. However, no parent or police official so far has come forward suggesting that a missing child was abducted by a Democrat.
Why can’t we find any of these Satanic Pedophile Democrats, their child victims or any distraught parents?
For one, Democrats excel at concealing their misconduct. Want to know how to get away with something? Ask a Democrat — like Hillary Clinton.
Then there’s the far-left media, which has spread stories to discredit patriots who are working to expose the Satanic Pedophile Democrats. Patriot David Todeschini, for instance, has condemned Democrat pedophiles in online videos viewed by well over 100,000 people. But Newsweek and other left-wing outlets saw fit to attack Todeschini in October just because he himself was convicted of being a pedophile one time.
Also, law enforcement has fallen down on the job. I’ll bet some of them have been bought off by Democrat elites involved in the Satanic Pedophile Democrat crime ring and thus may have looked the other way while the evildoers have run rampant....
What about the parents? Parents distraught about the abduction of their child likely have been hushed up. People evil enough to traffic kids won’t hesitate to threaten protesting parents into silent submission.
The media says the Satanic Pedophile Democrat crime ring is a baseless conspiracy theory rooted in a centuries-old “blood libel” myth that Jews murdered Christian children and used their blood in religious rituals. The media is way off. We’re talking about Democrats here, not Jews from the Middle Ages. Baloney like this is why the media is the enemy of the people.
Bottom line Believe in the satanic pedophile democrat and others in sex crime ring. Millions of patriots cannot be wrong. These evil Democrats must be stopped now. Law enforcement, get to work.
The Strange, Centuries-Long History of Satanic Pedophile Panics Modern-day conspiracy theories like Pizzagate and 'QAnon' have roots that stretch back to medieval Europe.
This summer, Americans got a crash course in “QAnon,” a pro-Trump conspiracy theory (or possible anti-Trump prank) that has been percolating online for about a year. QAnon’s claims are hard to track, in part because its believers believe so many different things. Conspiracy theory academic Joseph Uscinski noted in an interview that its adherents can basically connect its threads to any number of other conspiracies or beliefs. But most iterations claim that a top government operative nicknamed Q is leaking “breadcrumbs” that show that Donald Trump is secretly working with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to expose Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other high-level Democrats’ involvement in a murderous, Satanic pedophile ring. Not many people actually seem to believe in this QAnon stuff, Uscinski pointed out. But even though the theory has largely been out of the news for a couple months, QAnon groups are still active online, and supporters have manifested at Trump rallies.
Naturally, many have drawn a connection between QAnon and Pizzagate, a conspiracy theory that blossomed in 2016 and centered around the belief that Democrats ran a ritualistic pedophile ring out of a basement at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizzeria that doesn't even have a basement. That theory metastasized in late 2016, leading to a December shooting at the pizzeria by a self-proclaimed investigator and sex slave liberator. Even after former Pizzagate promoters like Alex Jones backed off of the theory, it still has proponents. Some observers have slatted these conspiracies into a wider trend on the modern far right of crying pedophile, often using flimsy evidence, against high-profile liberals.
Pedophilia is a real threat. Officials have caught large-scale pedophile rings far more often than one might think, and some of them have involved famous individuals and cover-ups. To many, it is a uniquely evil crime; someone who sexually abuses a child seems capable of anything. But fear of pedophiles can be weaponized and used to whip up mobs that don’t want to wait for solid evidence of wrongdoings to emerge, lest unspeakable horrors go unchecked. In many ways, it is an ideal tool for mobilizing small but highly vocal pockets of opposition against one’s enemies, as it can co-opt some people with genuine fears about child trafficking into perpetuating smear and harassment campaigns. It also offers those who are already predisposed to believing terrible things about the accused more license to hate. Accusations of pedophilia are often taken extremely seriously by law enforcement as well: In 2014, for instance, British police launched a multimillion-dollar investigation into a number of individuals, some of them national politicians, based on one man’s accusations, which turned out to be utterly baseless.
But Pizzagate, QAnon, and other related conspiracies floating around don’t just fit into a long tradition of accusations of pedophilia. As others have noted, the flourishes of these theories—Satanic rituals performed on child victims by depraved cabals, cryptic symbols signaling dark intent or links to the occult, and secret tunnels under ordinary businesses used to abet villainy—actually connect them to a discrete, centuries-old lineage of satanic, or occultic, panics. Most notably, they bear striking similarities to the American “Satanic Panic” of the 1980s. Pizzagate, QAnon, and their modern ilk are “not as Satanic as the stuff in the 80s was,” said Margaret Peacock, an expert on propaganda and conspiracies involving children, but added there are clear “similarities in language and materiality between them.”
According to Rickard Sjöberg, a neuropsychologist who has studied the long history of allegations of Satanic child abuse and pedophilia rings, these sorts of accusations may stretch back at least as far as the 14th century, when stories of ritualistic child abuse by the Knights Templar crusader order were in active circulation. But the first definite link in this conspiratorial chain goes back to 1428 and the valley of Valais, in what is now Switzerland. Locals there started circulating accusations that members of their community had entered into a pact with the devil, who told them to avoid religious services. Rumors and coerced confessions spread the idea that these occult rings met in cellars to hear Satanic preachings, flew around in enchanted chairs, put curses on their neighbors, and abused, murdered, and even ate children. These tales had horrific consequences, as at least hundreds of accused witches were killed over the course of several years, while many more were imprisoned and tortured.
The same things that inspire conspiracies today likely fueled these early occult panics. Mary deYoung, a social psychologist and expert on moral panics, says the roots are often anxieties about social change or strains, and especially the potential loss of power by an in-group. These worries are then projected on “folk devils” who embody that stress. “Usually, but not always, folk devils are already marginalized people,” she said, “so inflammatory rhetoric about the evils they pose to the social and moral fabric of society is easily accepted.” Self-proclaimed “moral experts” pick up these claims and spread them, and people try to rise up against their folk devils.
“You have a flow of rumor that compounds over and over on itself until it creates a critical mass that legitimizes itself,” said Peacock, “if a listener hears it enough.”
Early occult panics, Sjöberg noted, coincided with social changes linked to the transition away from Medieval social structures and norms. (They have been, he said, “described as the dark side of the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution.”) Informed by the demonological literature of the day, they used a Christian framework to tar (often, but not exclusively) women as witches, who would supposedly “manifest their dedication to turning normality upside down by eating with their necks, dancing back to back,” and so on. They were accused of abducting and abusing children as part of their self-indulgent effort to distort the social order for their benefit, thus corrupting them. These accusations led, over the course of numerous panics across Europe, to the imprisonment, torture, coercion of confessions, and eventual execution of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of individuals.
Similar panics bounced around Europe well into the late 1800s, Sjöberg notes, often in “naïve” communities that had not yet dealt with them before. Each community and era, conspiracy theory wonk Robert Blaskiewicz said in an interview, made adjustments to the targets of the panic, reflecting the stresses of the area and age. Jewish populations, for instance, were on-and-off targets, accused of trafficking children for blood rituals from the medieval era well into the early 1900s. Details changed as people came to realize certain things weren’t physically possible. “The belief that witches are able to fly on cattle, sleeping humans, or sometimes broomsticks,” Sjöberg pointed out, “has become inconsistent with modern thought and disappeared.”
The American Satanic Panic of the 1980s fits this lineage perfectly. As US families transitioned from depending on one parent’s income to expecting both parents to work, children increasingly spent their days with childcare professionals. This social change led to widespread suspicion of daycare workers, among others. (Rampant homophobia and rising awareness of the ubiquity of queerness also played a role in these suspicions.) Innocuous but odd remarks made by children or bizarre claims drawn out of kids and adults via bullshit recovered memory techniques got sifted through the same cultural prism that inspired other occult panics through history. Unfamiliar with the details of earlier European panics, most Americans approached increasingly wild claims with an unnerving degree of credulous naivete, said Sjöberg.
Rumors circulated, first in-person within communities, then in the press. They then coalesced into a common narrative about daycare operators forcing children into rituals involving physical mutilation and animal slaughter, among other horrors. These tales of Satanic child abuse and sacrifices in secret tunnels marked by occult symbols, while pegged clearly to that era’s culture and fears, harkened back to older panics.
“The ability of this myth to survive over more than 550 years in considerable detail,” marveled Sjöberg, “is remarkable.”
The American Satanic panic faded by the early 1990s, as investigations into its horrific narratives failed to pan out, and critical reporters debunked their sources. But even though naive societies are more prone to these panics, Sjöberg stressed, this doesn't mean one experience inoculates a community against experiencing variations of them again.
No one is entirely sure how this conspiracy spreads, or gets recycled within a culture over time. One explanation is that there have always been conspiratorial people predisposed to explore all manner of eccentric theories. It is also likely that even after an occult panic fizzles out, low-level belief in it persists in pockets of these conspiratorial circles. At least one major modern conspiracy theorist, for example, was still investigating a long debunked and widely abandoned 1980s ritualistic abuse claim centered on a childcare facility run by the US military when he died in 2016. So it is possible that themes or motifs of these theories bleed into new general conspiracy believer groups over time, who don’t critically engage with them but rather adapt them to their needs.
Peacock added that it is also not clear whether this bleed is intentional, with people grabbing what they think will be an effective tool to demonize their enemies, or organic. Either way, it makes sense that conspiratorial people would glom onto the old chestnut of Satanic child abuse, even in modern America. Like all good theories, it takes a plausible core—pedophile rings really exist—and details which are easy to spin out of ambiguous evidence but hard to disprove. Blaskiewicz said it also speaks to an attack on “the identity, morality, and cosmic order of Christendom, which some people use as shorthand for the West.” That element is likely less attractive in modern Europe, argued Peacock, which is now highly secularized. This may be why occult inflected pedophile panics don’t seem to strike there as often now. But, she said, “we are kidding ourselves if we think we are free from that [preoccupation] in the United States.”
“'Satanic baby rapist' is like the ultimate thought-stopping epithet for the worst possible person,” said Blaskiewicz, “combining all of the most hair-triggering fears of parents with the actual worship of evil personified.” So it’s no wonder that the same tropes burble up over and over.
Pizzagate and QAnon, may have strayed from older panics’ primary focus on Satanism, but they carry forward similar language, structure, and certain motifs, all of which are still potent.
These theories seem to draw on other long-standing conspiracy theory lineages as well, like deep-state conspiracies, which have been circulating for much of the last century by groups on the left and right. (Uscinski argued that this lineage actually is the primary focus for many QAnon adherents.)
So how do you fight a seemingly immortal conspiracy? Some research has indicated that persistent debunking, and even ridicule, can sour people on a belief, perhaps breaking it as a social force over time. But diehards, experts always note, will almost never give up on a theory. And even after a conspiracy fades from the public eye, it may simmer in conspiratorial circles just out of mainstream view, and so a related occult-inflected pedophile ring theory may just resurface with new vigor decades later. “Maybe there is no solving it,” mused Peacock. “Maybe we are cursed, like we are cursed to violence, as humans. Maybe there is nothing to be done but try to survive it.”
“Every moral panic is time limited,” noted deYoung. “As the social strains from which they emerge lose their salience over time, their power to generate social anxiety and fuel the relentless pursuit of folk devils” fades as well.
Thankfully, Pizzagate, QAnon, and similar conspiracy theories in the air now and to come down the line will likely not do nearly as much damage as their predecessors.
Social media makes it easier for conspiracy believers to find each other and spread their ideas. The fact Trump and elements of his administration seemingly endorse conspiracy theories, including QAnon, is not reassuring either. Nor is the fact that unlike earlier occult panics, which depended on the (dubious) testimonies of “actual” child victims as anchors, these theories just make claims without identifying clear victims. “When the kids are unidentified,” Blaskiewicz said, “hell, you can imagine whatever extravagant travesty meets your worldview’s need for a villain.” It also frees believers up to constantly adjust their targets and details, reiterating the theory over and over without losing potency or momentum.
However, previous occult-inflected pedophile panics were even more mainstream. They led to the murder of tens of thousands of people, if not more, in the early modern era. Even in the 1980s, they had the buy-in of major media outlets and law enforcement agencies, which actually jailed a number of people on totally bogus charges for years on end. QAnon and its modern kin remain far on the political fringe.
“Mobilization may be today’s conspiracy theories’ biggest challenge,” said deYoung. “We sadly live in an increasingly fragmented and divided society. To build steam and turn into a full-fledged moral panic, such claims and claim-makers would have to bridge these divides. And I don’t think that can happen. So we will not likely experience a moral panic a la the Satanic ritual abuse moral panic. But more likely a series of smaller, evanescent moral crusades.”
That may seem like cold comfort, as Pizzagate already led one armed man to storm a pizzeria. Fears always swirl about future acts of violence. But these panics are no longer sweeping up entire regions or recruiting serious media figures. As ugly as they still are, their destructive power has lessened over time. Even if Satanic pedophile ring conspiracies are immortal, they are hopefully increasingly impotent as well.
Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old
A child beauty pageant is a beauty contest featuring contestants starting at age 4 to under 16 years of age. Competition categories may include talent, interview, sportswear, casual wear, swimwear, western wear, theme wear, outfit of choice, decade wear, and evening wear. Depending on the type of pageant system (glitz or natural), contestants may be found wearing anything from makeup to fake teeth, known as flippers, as well as elaborate hairstyles and custom-designed fitted outfits to present their routines on stage.
Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence ** GRAPHIC **
Social Effects And Truth About Popular Culture Is Market Driven Kids-Sex-Drugs-Etc.
Truth About Popular Culture Is Market Driven Kids-Sex-Drugs-Cosmopolitan Magazine Cover and 10,000 Other Magazine Cover all over the world reveals everything wrong with the popular culture Have we completely lost our minds? In a word: Yes. Cosmopolitan Magazine has released its February issue, featuring the most recent transgender poster child Laverne Cox on its cover. There is so much wrong on this one page that it makes one’s head spin. Let me count the ways:
• The misogynistic insult of women by denying the biological fact of the female.
• The diminishing of the human being to little more than delusion and fantasy.
• The blatant disregard for science, i.e. genetics and physiology.
• The elevation of special “knowledge” (gnosis) that supersedes the natural and material.
This is little more than a placard for a culture — a cult — of deception and deceit; a snapshot of a people who have literally lost their mind.
When you dumb down the definition of the person to “being” gay, lesbian, queer, or straight; to “being” a homosexual, a transsexual or even heterosexual, you have just admitted you think those who have a given sexual appetite are actually defined by that desire. You are admitting you think “that’s just who they are” and that their very identity is nothing more than the sum total of their libidinous inclinations. Is this not the ultimate insult to the human being?
Decoding 100's Illuminati Symbolism Pyramid All Seeing Eye And 666 Hand Gesture
Decoding 100's Illuminati Symbolism “Coraline” one eye with 666, everything becomes clear through the pyramid all seeing eye. Left eye path symbolizes clear vision, and the right eye in the occult symbolizes darkness. Horus and Lucifer has one eye. Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36 Woe to the idol Shepard that leaves the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. They have turned their backs on their Lord and these idols have led their flock (fans) astray." Zechariah 11:17 Wake up your soul is priceless, only God can give you ever lasting paradise. Satan is a liar. When people uses any of these phrases: One World Religion, Global Government, One World Order, New World Order, these people are pure evil and part of the worlds largest Satanic circles. Everything horrific happening in our world today is because of these satanic monsters.
Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Played Out Over 33 Million Dollars Sexual Assault Claims
Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Biden Has Been Accused 696 Times of Sexual Assault And Some Whistle blowers Are Dead Now. Where Is the #TimesUp Movement? The controversy over Joe Biden’s treatment of women, explained An old-school politician in a #MeToo world. A former staffer of Joe Biden has come forward, alleging that he sexually assaulted her while he was a Senator. She had initially approached the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund but they turned her away, citing fears over accusing politicians. This reveals the inherent contradictions of Time’s Up.
Disney Kids Series Again Sparks Backlash after Kids Spell Out - We Love You Satan !
Disney has been slammed for going woke yet again after a new cartoon series features - But when some of the elves end up in the wrong formation, the line briefly says, “We love you, Satan.” · Santa sees the word and corrects the elves, proclaiming, “Spelling.” They then freak out and fix their formation, delivering the “We love you, Santa” message they intended. The song-and-dance number in which the elves move the letter signs happens about 25 minutes into the series’ third episode. After the elves form the words "We love you Satan," then Allen, as Santa, says: "Spelling." The elves look down and shriek when they realize the typo, and change formation.
Pizzagate Is An Alt-Left-Right Fever Dream Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring.
What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? “hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of color “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy - So I searching online for any evidence that "pizza," "hotdogs," "cheese," or "pasta" are code words used by pedophiles. Found nothing, yet this "fact" has been repeated in virtually every post about Pizzagate. What's the source?
A Woke Hollywood Revolution and Is Hollywood ‘Waking Up Now’ Audience’s Desire ?
We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage Say no to the Woke Revolution. So A Woke Hollywood Revolution - Act I: Prologue 00:00 - Act II: Screw Your Freedom 02:36 - Act III: Consequence Culture 07:39 - Act IV: Culture War 12:58 - Act V: Epilogue 18:40 - Hollywood will barely dare whisper it but the woke revolution that has driven out white men and ensures that every production is ideologically sound will kill the entertainment industry ? Maybe ?
What do you mean 'Will' It has already done it. How many new movies are created by the new Woke movement and are terrible have flop ? Yes I Think So ?
A lot of people want to convince you that you need a Ph.D. or a law degree or dozens of hours of free time to read dense texts about critical theory to understand the woke movement and its worldview. You do not. You simply need to believe your own eyes and ears.
Parents Beware Internet Porn Cartoon Funny Starting Conversation With Your Kids
The Internet can be wonderful for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. For many of us, we see our online lives and offline lives as different, but children are growing up with technology and the internet and for them there isn’t a difference; online life and offline life is just life.
WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --
Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -
Obama, Pelosi, Waters, Squad of 4 Said Today - Trump In Jail - No Bail - A Gag Order
First Federal Rule. Alvin Bragg, Manhattan district attorney In My Opinion Is President Donald Trump a Flight Risk and More Charges To Be Filed & Trump In Jail 20 Years "If Not May He Rest In Peace" Did Obama really say, "they bring a knife we bring a gun" without getting impeached? Yes, and even crazier, Teddy Roosevelt was never impeached for carrying a big a stick. Most people, even now, know the difference between literal and figurative speech. KATHY Griffin has re-tweeted her controversial Donald Trump severed head photo after the president claimed victory in the election. The ongoing row between US President Donald Trump and four non-white Democratic congresswomen has continued to escalate following a controversial campaign rally. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan will return to their seats in the US Congress. The four women of color, who championed ambitious climate action, healthcare for all Americans and other progressive causes while enduring frequent racism and derision from Donald Trump, will no longer be newcomers to Capitol Hill. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., is under fire for saying that members of the Trump administration should be heckled when out in public.
johnnemeth - Thanks and Great Reply Post - That was a great video. I really appreciate what you just did there man it’s been a long road for me addiction and Devious behaviors have not allowed me to completely turn myself over to Christ. But, I noticed more and more lately than I’m looking to him and starting to worship and give my entire heart to him. The stuff people are dealing with specially children in this wicked wicked time it’s truly unbearable sometimes. But, as you said, if we turn to the good Lord and give him our entire heart, and the Lords way, you can truly learn to love and forgive yourself, as well as others. God bless you.
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