Nikki Haley wants U.S. gov to identify all anonymous social media users: Vivek & DeSantis slam her!

1 year ago

Full RNC Fourth Presidential Primary Debate 12.06.2023:

Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis slam Nikki Haley for wanting the U.S. government to identify all anonymous users on social media platforms and for taking money from the left-wing billionaires behind the ESG movement.


VIVEK: "Now you have Reed Hoffman, the person who's effectively George Soros, Jr. Funding lawsuits across this country against Donald Trump... We discovered this week that he is one of Nikki Haley's largest supporters. Larry Fink, the king of the woke industrial complex, the ESG movement, the CEO of Blackrock, the most powerful company in the world, now supporting Nikki Haley."

DESANTIS: "This ESG, they call it environment, social, governance. And again, Nikki is meeting with all these people. They want to use economic power to impose a left-wing agenda on this country. They want basically to change society without having to go through the constitutional process. We've kneecapped it in the state of Florida, the next POTUS needs to be able to go to that office on day one, and we know from her history Nikki will cave to those big donors when it counts."

VIVEK: “Jack Smith has subpoenaed every last Retweet that someone has issued from Donald Trump in the year 2020, the only person more fascist than the Biden regime now is Nikki Haley, who thinks the government should identify every one of those individuals.”

DESANTIS: "You can roll the tape. She said I want your name. And that was going to be one of the first things she did in office. She got real serious blowback and understandably so because it's a massive expansion of government. We have anonymous speech. The Federalist papers were written by anonymous writers. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton."

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