Flat Earth Map with Creatures

1 year ago

I am dead serious about telling people Earth is FLAT AND STATIONARY. I carry this map around to my family gatherings and smash it down anyone's throat who wants to tell me I am stupid and not give me three minutes out of their 23 hour and 56 minute day to prove a truth they have been lied to about for 7,500 years. People are so fucking asleep that they trigger when they see these real maps of Earth proving it to be flat and motionless. They really piss me off when they ignore absolute proof of hidden lands and the Antarctica Treaty which gives world governments a green card to fucking murder you and cut your head off and kill your entire family if you try to go past the 66.6 degree parallels north or south! They will murder you! Call me stupid again and I'll get you a boat to go south past the 66.6 degree parallel so you can be blasted off the earth with the force of every single country's military across Earth. ...because you are so smart that you think every country in the world is at war and a 3rd world country if not your country, yet you think every country on Earth all agree on saving the fucking penguins! You can't be more misinformed, for real. Praise the most highest; and repent because your entire life on a ball earth is a huge lie. Yes this does also confirm your slavery under the Vatican and UNIDROIT Maritime Law. I rebuke those who challenge these truths and call people like me names because they are too dumbed down and unintelligent to think for themselves. #FlatEarth #UnlockedMind #FlatEarthFightClub

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