Castle Rock Township Data Center Meeting Dec. 4th, 2023

1 year ago

Public comment for Castle Rock. 12-2-23

Good evening, Castle Rock Supervisors. There are many serious questions and concerns with regard to this enormous project proposal.

These are just some of them
They all need answers first before any decisions can be made.

Water impact. Not only the huge amount needed daily, but what happens to the water after being cooled?

The State of Indiana is currently dealing with a toxic acid under the ground from these Data Centers cooling systems /carbon pipes being mentioned.

They are working thru the state legislature to shut and stop any more of these.

These data centers require huge amounts of energy that will be doubled or tripled.Even 5x the amount needed for regular facilities.

The need for power is causing utilities to retreat on green energy.

Could this be why Northfield denied this same type of project just recently?

There’s the privacy issue with the sort of data that will be collected and harvested

Is this to eventually surveil and confine us?
Check out Agenda 2030. Smart cities. WEF

EMF Impact, how will the presence of a massiveDataCenter sending, receiving, and storing VAST amounts of electrical data impact the EMF radiation on the residents living in proximity to this enormous data center park?
As if it isn’t bad enough,
We already have the 20X power line right near this same area!

According to my research, these are very noisy, they run 24- 7.
Would any of you members want this live near this?

Do you know who you are doing business with? Why the non-disclosure?
What government level are you working with?

Are there any partnerships or collaboration with any local or foreign entities?
Who are the investors, partners, board of directors?

Is there an affiliation with the ones currently being proposed in Rosemount. Which is Meta and are approximately 7.5 miles north as the crow flies?

I believe No resident of Castle Rock wants BIG Govt or Big Tech moving into our neighborhood! Or a foreign entity.

There needs to be environmental studies, the AUAR. Alternative Urban Areawide Process which is a planning tool to understand how a development scenario will affect the environment and the community

Thank you -

Is true or just hear say?

Does The same attorney who represents our township, Bob Bauer, also represent castle rock bank, which a castle rock township Supervisor operates, who also may own land adjacent to this project?

And are there other members of our township boards that have personal financial gains to decisions they may be voting on?

According to my plat book, two supervisors own land adjacent to this proposal and would mightily benefit with this amendment to the OAA.

If this is in fact true, might this be a grievous conflict of interest here before us that affects our township and residents?

Should this Supervisor or Supervisors abstain from voting?

Should they even be on our Township Board of Supervisors or any position here?
Should they be sitting back here with us right now?

These are hard questions, but this needs to be on the table. What other conflicts of interest are there that we the people don’t know about?

So why is there the need to amend the current Orderly Annexation Agreement that expires in 2030 ?

Is this why we have this result of the rushed discussions with the City of Farmington, so as to put this through as fast as possible, therefore no time to send out proper notices to ALL residents in Castle Rock of a public hearing.
This Is Ethically wrong!!!

This is a request on record for another public hearing with notices mailed to the Castle Rock residents 7 days prior, so those residents may have a chance to be heard, in regard to this impactful proposal
Or, can this just whole mess just be cancelled here tonight?

Also, There is no need to let the City of Farmingtons’ pressure for more tax base for the schools be the reason to push something of this preposterous magnitude on us.

Lastly, you have no right to give your approval til you have completely researched and responded to all of these grave concerns.

It has now become very evident why the big rush!

Who are you not deciding for is the residents and the township you are not protecting The people, their health, the townships land resources and might this be the most damaging liability you sign your name to?

You have a fidicuary duty for an AUAR/Alternative Urban Areawide Review
And to prove to the community how we will benefit this Data Center Technology Park.

Written By: Susan Ferrozo

Agenda 2030

Bidens Executive Order for AI

SMART Cities

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