Article 4410 - For Native Leaders About Sovereignty - Saturday, October 7, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4410 Video - For Native Leaders About Sovereignty - Saturday, October 7, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

We have ruffled many feathers this week and disturbed an incipient pecking order, which would defame my country and seek an unjust pre-eminence.

We also upset the Old Babylonian Apple Cart by proving that under Ecclesiastical Law, no such thing as "indigenous" versus "non-indigenous" people exists.

As we have the ability to discern evil, let us be unsparing in detecting it.

Most native leaders simply want peace and justice and some modicum of restoration for their people to heal the damage that six generations of predation by the so-called "American Raj" --- the British Territorial U.S. Government --- has wrought.

However, they don't generally understand the claims of "sovereignty" that they make and they don't know who the Blue Coats were, which makes for numerous lamentable misunderstandings.

Sovereignty has become quite the buzzword, but few people realize that sovereignty arises as a natural consequence of self-determination and then, the process of self-governance that follows.

Our individual natural sovereignty results from our gifts of unique character and conscience, and the common gifts of mobility, memory, reasoning, learning, and logic.

Our group sovereignty results from people of like-mind coming together in agreement to form a nation of people asserting their sovereignty and their right to their practices, culture, language, beliefs, and laws.

Our political sovereignty depends on the recognition of all the other sovereign nations respecting our right to self-govern.

All this is simple enough, and rooted in common experience and themes, yet lately the buzzword mentality has crept into it, and the idea of "sovereignty" has acquired a mystique as well as a blivet load of propaganda narrative value.

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