Article 4409 - Our Position on "Indigenous Land Claims" Under Ecclesiastical Law: Pillar Three

1 year ago

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Article 4409 Video - Our Position on "Indigenous Land Claims" Under Ecclesiastical Law: Pillar Three - Friday, October 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

As noted in Pillar One and Pillar Two of this brief rebuttal and objection to the land settlements proposed under the so-called Pactum de Singularis Caelum: under Ecclesiastical Law, there is no recognition of any "indigenous" versus "non-indigenous" people.

The only distinction between people under Ecclesiastical Law is the distinction between the children of Satan and the children of Eve.

All other labels applied by men seeking to create new or different groups by conceptualizing people in terms of race or religion or cultural background or any other basis of identity are merely legal fictions (lies).

The contest between the two actual groups is established and fully delineated in the Book of Genesis, and is rooted in nature and genetic heritage.

Despite endless attempts to create what appear to be other groups of people via a process of labeling and relabeling, there remain only these two groups -- the children of Eve and the children of Satan -- and the contest between them has already been decided, despite determined efforts by the losers to overturn and marginalize the decisive victory at Golgotha.

Thus there are in fact no "indigenous people" separated from "non-indigenous people" and no valid land claims can be attached to fictions (lies). This remains true under Ecclesiastical Law, Natural Law, and Roman Civil Law.

The resulting Pactum de Singularis Caelum is merely a self-interested attempt to usurp control of the land jurisdiction owed to all the children of Eve, while maintaining the benefits of a corrupt and vicious system of enslavement, partisanship, and colonialism promoted under a new brand name.

The Perpetrators seek to serve themselves by enriching those who are already enslaved to them ---and already obligated to pay them tribute.

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