First Day Back After Being Sick

1 year ago

Got super sick last week. I believe I wore myself down, between every day in the gym + jiujitsu. Was in bed for days with fever, etc., and lost 5 lbs! Crazy. Today was the first day back and still feeling drained, so decided to only focus on connective spinal chain and mobility, as I was concerned if I went too quick I could potentially injure myself, and I've way too far for that kind of set back, thanks to @coachstevensahyoun and his programs!

This was another great life lesson in how fragile our existence is and to make sure I don't drain myself and be conscious of the internal, as well as external. You can't have one healthy without the other. Balance in everything.

Stats: 53 y/o, 5,9, 160 lbs (lost 5) recovering from serious neck and back injuries plus nerve damage. All treated by Stem Cells at the @CellularPerformanceInstituteand recovering perfectly!

#functionaltraining #stemcells #jiujitsu

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