Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories - Reverse/Rebirth - #10 - Well, I was not expecting that.

1 year ago

Originally streamed on 06/21/2021

I know I like to play around a lot. Those thumbnails I make are definitely proof of that. But this is definitely the first time I can say, without being condescending or joking around, that I really felt something while playing Kingdom Hearts. The story here, in this particular episode, just matures from "angsty, emo kids with Disney characters" to "What happens when a fake dies? Where will my heart go?"

It's strangely peaceful. I don't even know how to react to it when it happens. I don't think I even allowed myself to process it. But reflecting on it now, it's a touching, thought provoking scene.

At the end of the stream, a friend sent me this clip. I made reference to this on the stream before watching it. I regret that decision, but it's still pretty funny.

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