Where is Israel? | Part 2

1 year ago

Israel is located in the Middle East on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea near the Suez Canal and shares borders with Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, it is the home country of the Israelites as we discussed in last week's episode and it's capital is Jerusalem and it is where our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ was born, raised, executed and brought back to life and ascended to another dimension call the Kingdom of Heaven.
Israel's 2023 population is estimated at 9,174,520 people at mid-year. Israel's population is equivalent to 0.11% of the total world population. Israel ranks number 98 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
Israel has approximately 73.8 percent of the population is Jewish, 18 percent Muslim, 1.9 percent Christian, and 1.6 percent Druze (a member of a political and religious sect of Islamic origin, living chiefly in Lebanon and Syria. The Druze broke away from the Ismaili Muslims in the 11th century; they are regarded as heretical by the Muslim community at large.)
Virtually all Jews in Israel identify with one of four major religious subgroups: Hiloni (“secular”), Masorti (“traditional”), Dati (“religious”), and Haredi (“ultra-Orthodox”). Hilonim are the least religious and make up roughly half of Israeli Jews (49%). Overall, Datiim (sometimes called Modern Orthodox Jews) generally follow Jewish traditions, but they are more integrated into modern society than Haredim and tend to lean to the right politically, especially on issues pertaining to the conflict with the Palestinians. Masortim occupy the religious middle ground, but they appear to be declining as a share of Israeli Jews, while Haredim make up an increasing share (currently 9%).
Israel holds a place of great importance for three of the world’s major religious groups. The modern Jewish state is not only the “Promised Land” for Jews but the only country in the world where they form a majority of the population. For Christians, Israel is the “Holy Land,” because it is the place where Jesus’ life and death unfolded. And, for Muslims, Jerusalem is the place where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

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