Pre-Trib Rapture --- Deception? ... or Truth!

10 months ago

Pastor Doug gave this message October 1, 2020 to correct the deceptive erroneous teaching by those who believe the church will have to endure the “day of the Lord” that includes the 7-year tribulation (Daniel’s 70th Week). For those of us who understand the correct eschatology, we need to be shored up for when tribulation and persecution comes upon the church that we will know where we are in the prophetic scene, and will have ‘ammunition’ to use to correct those in error who say we’re now in the Tribulation. Doug clearly taught the distinction between the rapture of the church and the day of the Lord. Here are my notes:
• As some (many?) teach that the rapture of the church is included in the day of the Lord (see 2 Thess. 2:2), and when we encounter persecution and tribulation, we’ll be told we are in the Tribulation, Doug gets us straight on our understanding of eschatology, the study of end-times. The eschatology for the church is distinct from that of Israel and the Gentile nations.
• Just because you are experiencing persecution and tribulation, this does not prove you’re in the 7-year Tribulation, and therefore can figure out what vial is being release, or which horse is coming this way.
• Doug has told us about the very real possibility of a counterfeit tribulation – how our enemy the devil might bring such catastrophes on the earth similar to what we read in Revelation 6 – 19, especially what so many will (and even now) believe is the ‘mark of the beast’.
• The ‘day of the Lord’ is in two phases: 1) 7-year Tribulation (after the church is removed); 2) the millennial kingdom. As the Jewish custom is to start each day at sundown (i.e.: 6 p.m.’ish), so also the day of the Lord begins with the dark judgments of the Tribulation and then culminating in the light of Jesus’ return to establish the millennial kingdom.
• The Jewish eschatology begins with judgment on unbelievers with the purpose of salvation to those who recognize and believe in Jesus as Yesha Hamashiach. The church’s eschatology includes the judgment of believers (1 Peter 4:17; Hebrews 12:25-29; 1 Cor. 11:30-31; Rev. 2:21-23; 3:3, 10, 16, 19) with the purpose of sanctification and purging as she ‘makes herself ready’ for her Bridegroom to come for her (Rev. 19:7 cp Eph. 5:27).
• ‘A day is as a thousand years’ – the day of the Lord is the 1,000 year millennial kingdom that starts with the 7-year (.7% of 1 day) Tribulation.
• To those who would accuse Doug of ‘private interpretation’, he taught us from the Hebrew and Greek texts along with countless writings of theologians who did their homework to glean the truth from the scriptures.
• I recall how early on in Doug’s ministry to us as pastor he cleared so much up when he explained what is not included in the Old Testament and the Gospels, the doctrine of the mystery which was hidden (Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:26). This helps so much when we, for example, read the sermon on the mount where Jesus is prophesying what is to come – not for the church (which won’t come into existence until Jesus’ resurrection and Pentecost), but for Israel and the nations. When Jesus taught “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left.”, He wasn’t describing the rapture – He was teaching what will happen at the end of the Tribulation.
• The eschatology in the Old Testament and the Gospels is that of Israel, not the church. The eschatology in the New Testament includes the eschatology of Israel (i.e.: Rev. 6-19) and that of the church.
• Without a clear revelation and understanding of dispensational theology and the mystery of The Christ, your eschatology will be confused (to say the least).
• The return of Christ for the church (the rapture) is clearly different from Him returning to Israel and the nations (2nd coming). The rapture event is private, not public when He return and “every eye will see Him” (Rev. 1:7); Jesus comes in the clouds (1 Thess. 4:17), not with the clouds (Rev. 1:7); Jesus comes to take away His bride (1 Thess. 4:17) and comes back with His bride (Col. 3:4 cp. Rev. 19:14); Jesus rescues the church (rapture) and takes us to His house (John 14:3) and comes back (2nd Advent) to rescue Israel (Zech. 14:4) and we with Him (Zech. 14:5) to establish His millennial kingdom on earth (Rev. 20:6 cp. 2 Tim. 2:12); 1 Thess. 4:13-18 = the rapture; 1 Thess. 5:1-11 = the day of the Lord (specifying the church will not encounter the wrath of God coming in that day); the return of Christ to rapture the church is a rescue, but the return of Christ in the day of the Lord is to bring judgment on Israel and the nations.

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