Your Personality Tree - Florence Littauer - Video Lessons 1 & 2

1 year ago

Your Personality Tree - Florence Littauer - Video Lessons 1 & 2

Session 1:
"Marriage involves falling in love with someone's strengths
and then living with their weaknesses."
Here is an introduction to the idea of inborn temperaments
which influence our every word and action.

Session 2:
"Strengths carried to extremes become weaknesses."

Learn about the four basic personality types: sanguine
(warm, charming), choleric (energetic, controlling), melancholy
(perfectionist, analytical), and phlegmatic (easygoing,

00:00 Intro
00:46 Session 1 - The Pattern of Your Personality
28:46 Session 2 - Your Strengths and Weaknesses
57:16 Credits

"Many people do not know who they really are," says Florence
Littauer. "Sometimes they don't even know they don't know!
Their true, God-given nature has been trampled over by others, or
has died for lack of attention, or has been masked by rejection or
guilt. But by tracing their family personality tree, they can learn
when and why their natural personality was turned in a different
direction and experience the freedom that comes with discovering
their true temperament."

What kind of person are you? Are you talkative and optimistic?
Analytical and deep? Patient, or bossy, or sensitive, or deep? In
YOUR PERSONALITY TREE, Florence explains just why you are
who you are, why you do what you do, and how the personalities
of those around you have shaped the person you are today.

You will chuckle at Florence's affectionate characterizations of
the personality types, and be moved by her sensitively shared
personal pain. And God will lead you to a new level of self-knowledge
and understanding of the person He created you to
be. He will open the way for healthy love and acceptance of
yourself and members of your family, both past and present
generations. You will learn how to enjoy the benefits of your
heritage and use them in living for God. And you will discover
how He can compensate for any negative influences in your past
and in the rearing of your children.

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