Manson's WavWatch Experience with Shoulder Pain

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Manson Kerner, Nancy's husband, joins the show to share his WavWatch experience with the shoulder pain he had been contending with for several weeks of sleepless nights.

Listen in to hear what happened for him when he began to wear the WavWatch for just a few minutes!

This is NOT a claim to heal or cure anything, this is only a first hand account of what Nancy experienced while using the WavWatch.
It has been proven that sound frequency therapy can be used to balance your system and solve common self-care problems! It’s easy, affordable, and completely safe! Thousands of people have found incredible success using the WAVwatch. Why not you too?

Get $100 OFF your WavWatch when you purchase @ with Discount Promo Code: Nancy100

Showtimes: (Rumble, Locals and on
Tues. & Thurs. @ 11am PST/ 1pm CST
The Nancy Kerner Show is Committed to Shining a Gentle Light on Holistic Health, Spirituality, Intuition, Relationships, Prosperity, Family, Community, Interviews, and Heart-Centered Updates on Current Events.

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Got Frequencies? Get $100 OFF your WavWatch when you purchase @ with Discount Promo Code: Nancy100

Check out Nancy's Book, The Power of Sexy Relationships

Nancy’s Link to Cue Streaming
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