Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan in Full Swing

1 year ago

The vast majority of sleeping sheeple haven't got a clue what the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan is, but many, especially females are riddled with "white guilt" so much so that they will give their bodies away as part of some weird cult-like offering to appease their self-imposed irrational guilt based on false logic and an indoctrination of false history. As for the migrants, they are just "useless eaters" in the eyes of their puppet masters. You can rest assured the globalists will have no further use for these migrants, nor will they have use to dumbass police officers or court workers and judges. The globalists will see those useful idiots as a threat once depopulation is complete and those who survive are coveting a destroyed immune system, who rely on obedience to get the next booster shot to keep alive.


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