A Collective Message of Hope and Peace Advent Video 1

1 year ago

Archangel Metatron and Jesus asked me to do a two part series of videos (this is the first) to bring messages of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy this advent.
In an ever increasingly divided world - honouring past traditions and celebrating and honouring the light this December has never been more important.
Messages on Hope from Archangel Gabriel, Peridot as a frequency, and Hope needing to be not blind but built on proactivity too.
Messages on Peace from Archangel Chamuel, also finding pockets of peace in suffering and grief, and looking at what an absence of peace looks like, what the barriers are to it, and how we can build a more peaceful life via our physicality (body and mind). Also messages on reconciliation of past and present.
Join me to light the next two candles around December as we journey on towards Christmas Day.
Anyone of any faith, belief system or denomination can benefit from participating and watching this video.
@AmandaEllis #advent #christconsciousness #archangelmetatron #archangels

Love to everyone. Amanda x

Oracle decks Used: Grace Cards by Cheryl Richardson, Archangel Gabriel deck Doreen Virtue, Archangel Oracle Cards Doreen Virtue, Judy Hall Crystal Oracle, The Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor, The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor

Suggested Healing Sprays - for issues in this video: Archangel Chamuel Love & Relationships (Love and Peace candle). Sapphire Peace (Peace candle), Archangel Gabriel Soul Calling & Guidance (Hope candle)

Books read from: Donna Ashworth - Wild Hope, May you be Well Cheryl Richardson and Louise Hay Heart Thoughts

To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou

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