TheoLogical [Scholasticism] pt6: Logic, Reason and Non-Contradiction

1 year ago

Scholasticism represented the golden age of Christian theology during the Middle Ages. Led by the great Thomas Aquinas, scholastic theologians sought to apply logic and reason to support key Christian doctrines. Aquinas was heavily influenced by Aristotle, the father of logic, and incorporated Aristotelian philosophy into his theological works. Aquinas proposed logical arguments, not just biblical citations, to prove the existence of God and His attributes. For example, he used the cosmological argument to prove there must be a first uncaused cause - God. Aquinas also used propositional logic to show how Christian beliefs could be logically reconciled. He took Christian teachings and translated them into a series of logical propositions that could be analyzed using the rules of logic, as defined by Aristotle. Scholasticism and Aquinas demonstrated that faith and reason could work in harmony. At its core, Christianity is a logically coherent belief system, not just a set of mystical doctrines. The scholastics helped strengthen Christianity by providing rational justifications for the faith. Their work continues to influence Christian apologetics and philosophy today. Scholasticism represented a high point in the long tradition of faith seeking understanding.

Let's explore.

00:00:00 Start of video

Full Archive - see Atheism folder for reference works:

Where Was Your Church before Luther? Claims for the Antiquity of Protestantism Examined
S. J. Barnett - Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture / Volume 68 / Issue 01 / March 1999,

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