Nobody Will Believe In Human Rights Again | Professor Anuradha Chenoy (Part 2)

1 year ago

Part 2 of the interview with Dr. Anuradha Chenoy on November 29, 2023. Professor Chenoy is a specialist of international affairs who has worked for decades especially on Russia, Human Security, Arms Trade, and Peace building. And she is also working with the International Peace Bureau and she’s a fellow at the Transnational Institute in the Netherlands. You can find her work here:

-Israel’s War on Palestine: The Horror and the Geopolitical Tensions, Economic and Political Weekly, November 11 & 18 , 2023, Vol. LVIII No,s 45 & 46 at:

-The Russian Offensive, unravelling of Ukraine and geopolitics, Economic and Political Weekly, September 9, 2023, Vol. LVIII no.36, p.24-25 at:

-'What are the Real Reasons for the Global South Food Crises.'
The Nation (New York) 31 July, 2023 (Open source) available at:

-Geopolitics Drives the New US Economic and Industrial Strategy, Economic and Political Weekly, 27 May 2023, Vol. 58 No. 21, at:

-US Merges its Economic and Foreign Policies, Defend Democracy Press, 14, May 2023 at (Open source):

-Two Decades after the Iraq War and the Political Imaginary of the Global South, Economic and Political Weekly, April 1, 2023, Vol 58 No.13 at: (paywalled)

-The Changing Geostrategic Landscape: China in West Asia and beyond, Economic and Political Weekly, 25 March, 2023, Vol 58 No.12 ( (paywall)

-China’s Geostrategic Challenge March, 2023 (Open source) at: And in Defend Democracy Press: (Open source)

- One Year of the Russia-Ukraine War, Economic and Political Weekly, March 4, 2023, Vol. LVIII No.9. p.8.

- The Multipolar Global Political Economy, Economic and Political Weekly, January 14, 2023, Vol.LVIII No.2. pp. 30-34 at:

- G20, The Indian Presidency, December 2022, (Open source) at:

- Geopolitical Patterns of a Changing World, Economic and Political Weekly, 26 November 2022, Vol 57, No.48, At:

- The Global South’s assertion in geopolitics, in Defend Democracy Press, Greece, (Open source) at:

- Russia Ukraine War: Many Losers and No Gainers as Balance of Geopolitical Forces Changes, The Wire, 27 June, 2022, (Open source) at:

- The War in Ukraine-Why India Won’t Take Sides, (Open source) available at:

- NATO and Indo Pacific, 2022, (Open source)

- The Russia-Ukraine War and the Changing World Order, Economic and Political Weekly, April 16, 2022, Vol. LVII Number 16, pp:10-13, also available at (Open source):
‘Keep the War going as long as it takes’- NATO mentors Europe in Defend Democracy, Defend Democracy Press, 11/07 2022, (Open source) at:

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