These Are The Types Of LIES That The @nscladyrufkmnewsraw1new223 Endorses And Helps Spread

1 year ago

NSC Lady Kat Riley Has Been Soooo Butt Hurt Since I Busted up her state actor GRIFT Many years back - shes been trying to Find OTHER MEN to attack me For Her, Since. Kinda Like Malibu Does too. These Light In the Loafers Gumbi Gold goombahs Will back anything that they can get A wop goombah to say about ya. Even If Its To Call You A Registered Cex Offender. Which is a Lie, and Im Not.

Good Try tho Kat... You found another easy target to open the can of worms on that thought he was gonna take care of THE BAD GUY For Ya. Just how BAD do these ppl need Mr. Cox To go away? Lets Find Out ... Classic Reel Of NSC Lady Barking at Mr. Cox - INCOMING....
Yo Kat, U need Slo-Vids To do Ur Dirty Work For Ya Cause Dank Failed, and got all pist off that I trolled him back the other night and Im not going away? Is Mr. Cox Putting a Damper on ur State Actor Grift all these years..? When Ever You want to stop Lying about me and Have GOOMBAH WOPS like DINKUS and Slo-vids LIE for you - Maybe THEN I'll Go away. BUT Till then Im building a whole Herd Of LolzCows To laugh at their state actor Script....

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